Buddist believe in reincarnation. They believe that your karma dictates whether you return into the wheel of life to correct or undo the bad karma you made in this life. You can not choose what form you will be reborn as. The ultimate goal is to not be reborn, to escape the wheel of life. So the question: Where do buddist go? does not apply. In order to go somewhere on must have a place in which to go. To achieve enlightenment, to cease all suffering and to not exist is the ultimate goal as far as I understand it. I am not of that religion but have read some books about it. Buddism is more of a way of life than a religion, it does not offer any answers but rather poses questions. It is one of the most honest religions I have ever come across in that it makes no attempt in stating it is the one and only truth. All it states is that everything is in flux, everything changes, and everything is just as it should be. The natural condition of being is suffering, In order to stop suffering one must cease disire. To cease to exist is Nirvana. **or I could be wrong.

"One is punished most for ones virtues" Fredrick Neitzche