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Author Topic:   Where do the buddhists go?
mike the wiz
Posts: 4758
From: u.k
Joined: 05-24-2003

Message 13 of 69 (284127)
02-05-2006 11:54 AM
Reply to: Message 7 by Dubious Drewski
02-04-2006 9:59 PM

Re: who are you responding to?
Would it be wise to then, based on this, reject the idea of any formal religion and just focus on being a good, moral person?
From my own belief/opinion, there is no problem with this. I would even advise staying in an agnostic or atheistic position, rather than immediately buying into someone's interpretation of scripture, or buying into any religion.
Everything that Christ done, suggests to me that if you are a good person, then you are what he calls a "sheep". Christ said that those who clothe him, feed him and love him, will go into everlasting life.
I choose to believe that these passages are more important to the quick references about those who are unbelievers, being damned.
I think being damned is a much-abused scripture. People forget how angry Christ was at the pharisees. Infact, you'll find Christ forgave a prostitute even though she didn't ask for forgiveness. Everything Christ does, forces me to trust him. And I trust him enough to believe that being a none-believer isn't what gets you to hell, but infact being evil/sinful.
It seems to me, that a person who is genuinely seeking peace, and genuinely seeks that which is right, should be rewarded. And those who are wicked, and don't have rest unless they cause trouble, should be punished.
I'm only speaking according to how God spoke in the Old Testament. He also said the righteouss would have peace as a river, but the wicked shall receive the fruit of their doings.
Now scripture, to me, paints a picture of a just Christ. So I tend to take those few scriptures as saying that infact those who passionately disbelieve Christ, and contradict righteouss peaceful action via sin, are condemned.
This is just MY interpretation. A fundy would perhaps have a different interpretation. But why on earth should you be obliged to listen to his rather than mine/Jar's/Phat's?
It's up to you, do you see Christ in fundies? Or do you see Christ in genuinely good Christians? If the latter, then where is the problem? Even Christ said you'll know them by their fruit; and those who preach hell have bad fruit. That is clear to everyone hear, and I have confidence that any atheist reading this, will surely agree.
So then, who will you listen to? I would suggest not granting even me, a correct interpretation of scripture, but infact I would, being faithful that you sound like a good person, advise you to read for yourself, and not feel obliged to do anything I say, me being a mere fellow-servant. But as I said, I certainly, for your own sake, would advise you to stay agnostic and not be religious. I'd rather you have no opinion and be peaceful, than for you to become religious and self righteouss.

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 Message 7 by Dubious Drewski, posted 02-04-2006 9:59 PM Dubious Drewski has replied

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 Message 15 by Dubious Drewski, posted 02-05-2006 2:00 PM mike the wiz has not replied

mike the wiz
Posts: 4758
From: u.k
Joined: 05-24-2003

Message 21 of 69 (284335)
02-06-2006 8:02 AM
Reply to: Message 19 by NosyNed
02-05-2006 5:58 PM

Eat your socks
I've heard the expression, "If I'm wrong I'll eat my socks".
Perhaps you'll just have to eat your socks.
Maybe you should wear rice paper socks from now on.
On a serious note, I think if God does exist, he knows we're left to work out stuff for ourselves. What is one to do? Be skeptical, or be foolish and gullible and accept things as said? IMHO, Surely he'd advise the former if he's a smart God.

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 Message 19 by NosyNed, posted 02-05-2006 5:58 PM NosyNed has not replied

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