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Author Topic:   Are there any substitutes for having inner peace?
Member (Idle past 6112 days)
Posts: 382
From: Westminster,CO, USA
Joined: 02-04-2006

Message 269 of 300 (286194)
02-13-2006 1:14 PM
Reply to: Message 157 by wmscott
08-06-2005 7:16 AM

Re: How does one feel if one has inner peace?
This can only happen to Saints. We are all ordinary people. We always break laws. Have you always kept the speed limits? Following all the rules and regulation cannot give you inner peace. For you , inner peace will be absence of Guilt. Is this the true peace?

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 Message 157 by wmscott, posted 08-06-2005 7:16 AM wmscott has not replied

Member (Idle past 6112 days)
Posts: 382
From: Westminster,CO, USA
Joined: 02-04-2006

Message 270 of 300 (287993)
02-18-2006 2:27 AM
Reply to: Message 2 by AdminJar
07-04-2005 5:30 PM

Re: Really needs work
I cannot agree more on your remarks. Awake, the mouth piece of Watchtower Organization quotes the Bible. But, gives a totally wrong interpretation. Not a single Biblical scholar has approved the watchtower publications. Therefore, there cannot be any room for further discussion here. Inner peace is not absence of conflict. It is not a product of absolute obedience to Moral conduct. This as human beings will certainly lead to Guilt, anger and Depression. Absolute peace is beyond all these.
This message has been edited by inkorrekt, 02-18-2006 02:29 AM

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 Message 2 by AdminJar, posted 07-04-2005 5:30 PM AdminJar has not replied

Member (Idle past 6112 days)
Posts: 382
From: Westminster,CO, USA
Joined: 02-04-2006

Message 272 of 300 (327632)
06-29-2006 10:37 PM
Reply to: Message 271 by No crutch required
02-20-2006 11:30 AM

Re: Watson - blind faith will do
Faith = excuses for the weak and the troubled.
Can you go back to your childhood and recollect your memories? When you were a Child, you were afraid. Were you not? I remember my youngest brother who was 7. He came home late. It was too dark. Something happened and he was scared. He had severe fever. Why am I writing this? Because, my brother was sick. He was weak. He depened either on me or my father for his strength and courage. Life also poses severe problems and situations for us. This is when we need some one like Father. In this istuation, it is God whethere you believe Him or not. A child has blind faith in his or her father. Before God, we are also like children.

This message is a reply to:
 Message 271 by No crutch required, posted 02-20-2006 11:30 AM No crutch required has not replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 273 by ramoss, posted 06-30-2006 9:59 AM inkorrekt has not replied

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