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Author Topic:   Why is the Intelligent Designer so inept?
Member (Idle past 310 days)
Posts: 7801
From: Manchester, UK
Joined: 05-01-2005

Message 228 of 352 (507173)
05-02-2009 1:42 PM
Reply to: Message 226 by traderdrew
05-02-2009 12:30 PM

To perversely steer towards the topic for a moment...
Even Richard Dawkins conceded that DNA had to have some sort of origin outside of natural causes in the movie "Expelled".
I posit that the ineptness of the Designer includes designing a flawed memory system, and that this is great evidence of that.

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 Message 226 by traderdrew, posted 05-02-2009 12:30 PM traderdrew has replied

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 Message 230 by traderdrew, posted 05-03-2009 12:58 PM Modulous has replied

Member (Idle past 310 days)
Posts: 7801
From: Manchester, UK
Joined: 05-01-2005

Message 238 of 352 (507296)
05-03-2009 2:20 PM
Reply to: Message 230 by traderdrew
05-03-2009 12:58 PM

Memory issues
you are another person who sees the universe according to the way you think things ought to be if you were a god and running it.
You managed to deduce the way I view the world from that statement alone? You must be a genius, I insist you get off internet forums and put your phenomenal talents to good use.
Alternatively, you are wrong. I would like to add to the list of inept design the tendency for us to jump to social conclusions based on far too little information.
I'm sorry if I don't remember it correctly and based on your point of view I should blame my creator but I don't
No need to apologize. You raise an interesting point, though. I don't think it is fair to 'blame' someone for incompetence necessarily. Maybe it wasn't the designer that designed a faulty memory system, maybe the creator failed to follow the design specifications properly. Or maybe it was the Project Manager who insisted that corners were cut in order to meet a deadline? We shouldn't assume that it was the designer that was inept I suppose.
And let's not get started on the QA department - were they on the ball about these memory issues, or were they just ignored?
I mean, you not only made a mistake in memory, you remembered things exactly contradictorily to the way they were - even though you were in a dark room with a 30 foot high screen in front of you (so attention wasn't to blame presumably). There are some excellent studies on just how terrible our memory has so many bugs it is untrue.

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 Message 230 by traderdrew, posted 05-03-2009 12:58 PM traderdrew has not replied

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