Cavediver writes:
It's not - the failure is in our inability to respond to every post they make with 'very good, but where's your evidence for a designer?
Having looked through many threads I was amazed that this simple question wasn't being asked anywhere near as much as it should be. That's why I started my thread. I make a habit of it now.
Cavediver writes:
And what it really highlighted was our desire to defend science. As indeed we should. But I felt it was time for a thread where such defenses were not going to be required.
Yes, there were topic drifts at the end, but myself and others put the question of evidence to Beretta perhaps 40 or 50 times. He ignored the vast majority of those requests, as you might expect.
Anyway, this is getting OT. The last word is yours if you want it.
Edited by RickJB, : No reason given.
Edited by RickJB, : No reason given.