Contra, you absolutely do very frequently come across as a commie agitator. Very much so. And it's not because Jar made that comment that I think this. I have thought that for years.
Well then you have been mistaken for years. I was just as forthright when I was a teenager arguing with ministers, long before I had any knowledge of Marxism at all.
Your expectations are colouring your perceptions. I was quite correct.
You opinion of these books is the only one in the world that is correct, apparently.
OK, I understand. LOL!
Yep, see? You don;t even bother to think about it - you just leap to silly assumptions.
MY OPINION is totally irrelevant. The FACTs of the text of a publicly available document are not subject to my opinion or anyone elses.
Again whats so striking abouit this is you are surrendering your intellect. You've criticised posters for quote-mining yourself, IIRC. Are you know backtracking on the view that a persons words can be examined objectively if written or recorded? Are you willing to accept that your opinion of a book by Dawkins say, as someone who has read it, is qualitatively indistinguishable from the opinion of someone who has not read it?
Thats nonsense Schraf, and both you and I know it. And it was nonsense when both Hambre and Paisano made factually incorrect claims as to the content of Capital. Note, not erroneous in mu opinion, not an error of interpretation, nothing of tyhe sort: they claimed that text exists which does not exist.
Do you doubt me? Presumably you do. SO PRACTICE THE SCIENTIFIC METHOD AND LOOK IT UP FOR YOURSELF. I have not asked you to believe ME, ever. Matters of public record are NOT subject to my opinion, your opinion, Hambres opinion, or Paisano's opinion.
It is most definitely not at all true that you restrict yourself to the content of books in your disagreements with people.
Of course it is not - I have many disagreements with many people about many things. So what? That is irrelevant to the fact that you stood by and did nothing while a public resource was deliberately misrepresented, and then you presume to hold ME responsible for providing the correction. An now, here, you're arrogant enough to presume that I don't even know the content of books I have read!
You are NOT living up to your guidelines. You are NOT behaving in an intellectually honest manner. You are culpable of dogmatically supporting the ignorant over the informed, and then holding a grudge against the informed becuase they caught you out. This is the behaviour of an adolescent, not an adult.