Please reconsider the
direction you are taking with frako in
Make Your Own Conclusion Based on the Evidence at Hand. I dislike his posting style altogether and fully recognize that his op as it stands is unwieldy and inappropriate. But by taking the apparent easy way out and making him just stick to a couple of pictures, say just the first two, you seem to me to be taking away what little point there is to his proposal. He needs a least two and better three examples of nested species in human lineage, with the promise that he can provide as many more as are needed to hammer the point in the course of the thread. That would be 4 to 6 species.
Ideally I would like to see the first two plus the two I whined about, but that's just selfishness on my part. I want to know why the connection between crusafontia and plesiadapis is so much less obvious than that between whatever, megazastrodon and thrinaxodon or homo ergaster and homo erectus. Is it just sloppy research on his part or is there a real "missing link" there.
But more importantly, if you are going to make him make a good op, saying "no more than two pictures" is a sorry schoolyard way of going at it. Make him summarize what he's really trying to prove instead of this crappy Draw Your Own Conclusions muddle. With the confused language about how none of these are older than (the oldest of) those, he's practically inviting the "c" side to say Well that's because they were all created at once on day 6!
What if he summarized his actual point in a whole new op? A real, proper op, that didn't go on for a mile and required no pictures at all?
Then he could do the examples two or three at a time whenever he wanted to advance his point From Shrew To You.
I don't have much hope for this op, but I wanted to vent, making it into a whole different thing won't fix it. He should do the actual thing he's doing, just do it right. An op in the science forums shouldn't be some Things That Make You Go HMMMM crap, it should be a proper beginning to a thread, (I intend to show that, I will take the position that, etc) with extended examples and argument reserved for further posts.
Thanks for your time!