please unclose Darkstar's collection of quotes thread. I do not agree that the topic is toast.
A number of individuals on this site have been trying to get Darkstar to simply admit that he's been trying to be deceptive. Darkstar is notorious for ignoring people's reponses and jumping to a new topic so he could avoid a direct confrontation with the refutes people have spent precious time researching and typing up.
As froggie pointed out very early on in the thread, Darkstar simply ignored the fact that he misrepresented Darwin and simply moved on to something else. By closing the thread now, you are simply endorsing his method of skipping from one stone to another and come back to the first one later. He needs to face the fact that he is being very childish for playing his game of hitting and running from subject to subject.
If Nasa's off-topic post bothered you so much, a simple suspension of
her posting priviledges would have been sufficient. Also closing the thread is like try to stab a corpse to death.
The Laminator
For goodness's sake, please vote Democrat this November!