You don’t get away with very much careless or unpopular thinking around here . UNLESS you happen to be a member of the Chosen Few.
In the first place, I would argue that there is no such animal on this site. No one, and I mean NO ONE, gets a free pass. If you don't believe me, dig around a bit and see if you can find the lengthy (and for me, heartbreaking) symbiosis thread where WK, for instance, obliterated a long-cherished misapprehension on my part. Now THAT was painful.
As to how Admins are chosen, it's mostly a concensus decision by other admins. Usually someone who has a long history of good, well-argued posts (from either side) is asked to participate. Sometimes virtually blackmailed into it (which was the case with me - ask Moose about it sometime). Beyond that, as far as I can tell, there's no special criteria except for a latent masochistic desire to be berated continuously for decisions people don't agree with.
As to your complain concerning WK, my suggestion would be to break that out into a separate post, provide links to the specific messages you feel are germane, and then one of the other admins can take a look. As a participant in that thread, it is sort of inappropriate for me to also moderate it. However, as far as that goes, I honestly didn't see anything from him that was actionable - he appeared to be discussing
your reference mostly, which is perfectly legitimate. However, I may have missed something.
The Showcase Forum was designed as a venue for true problem posters - those who, from personality or other reasons have over a long period shown that they are either incapable of accepting moderator requests OR are incapable of civil discourse, or both. The very existence of Showcase is, in my opinion, problematic. However, it's one of Percy's pet projects. To participate in Showcase, all you need is permission. To be relegated to Showcase, however, is a concensus decision (usually after long and occasionally acrimonious discussion) among admins.
On a final note, Percy is indeed top dog here. It's his site, he did most of the programming, he foots the bills, and the site is his dream. On the other hand, I've never seen him use his infinite cosmic powers to squelch anything by anyone as long as the forum guidelines aren't violated - or even a reasonable facsimile thereof.
Hope this answers your questions.