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Author Topic:   General Discussion Of Moderation Procedures 10.0
Inactive Member

Message 231 of 305 (402815)
05-30-2007 3:05 AM

When a christian insults atheists by suggesting that the idea of atheists with morals is silly, why aren't they called on it? Why is it that no admin gets upset in the slightest until an atheist decides to return the insult in kind?
It's just like what happened a few months ago in that thread about Ted Haggard. Gays were insultingly compared to animals, but when I returned the insult I got suspended. The person who made the original insult was never even reprimanded.
I realize that it's been this way for a long time here and that it will probably continue to be this way. I just think it ought to be pointed out once in a while.
{Re: In regards to "stop sign" at http://EvC Forum: The God of the Bible is Evil -->EvC Forum: The God of the Bible is Evil - Adminnemooseus}
Edited by Adminnemooseus, : Added link message.


Replies to this message:
 Message 232 by Adminnemooseus, posted 05-30-2007 4:43 AM berberry has replied
 Message 234 by ringo, posted 05-30-2007 10:16 AM berberry has replied

Inactive Member

Message 233 of 305 (402832)
05-30-2007 9:21 AM
Reply to: Message 232 by Adminnemooseus
05-30-2007 4:43 AM

Adminnemooseus writes me:
Maybe you need to disguise your one-liner by also including some on-topic content around it.
I see what you mean. It's so much more on-topic to insult atheists in a thread about the god of the bible.
What you posted really stands out as being bad (IMO).
Yeah, it was late and I was tired. I didn't give it a lot of deep thought.


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 Message 232 by Adminnemooseus, posted 05-30-2007 4:43 AM Adminnemooseus has not replied

Inactive Member

Message 235 of 305 (402851)
05-30-2007 10:51 AM
Reply to: Message 234 by ringo
05-30-2007 10:16 AM

Well good, I'm sincerely happy to hear you say that. Maybe I've just heard this crap about how morals can only come from Jesus or God or whatever one too many times. I'm sorry I jumped to the wrong conclusion.
And for the record, there are indeed some moral issues that I see as absolute. Sometimes ignorance can be a mitigating circumstance, but no circumstance can ever remove the immorality of, for instance, killing an innocent child. Good people can do bad things, of course, but some bad things are always bad things no matter how good the person who did them might otherwise be.


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 Message 234 by ringo, posted 05-30-2007 10:16 AM ringo has not replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 236 by Taz, posted 05-30-2007 11:57 AM berberry has not replied

Inactive Member

Message 284 of 305 (410162)
07-13-2007 2:48 PM

To AdminPD
I would like it noted that you do not see presumptions of moral superiority as insulting. You see only harsh language as insulting. There was nothing personal in that post. I am perfectly willing to say the same thing to any other moralizing moron who happens along.
Edited by berberry, : Forgot to include link.


Replies to this message:
 Message 285 by Dan Carroll, posted 07-13-2007 3:31 PM berberry has not replied
 Message 295 by AdminNem, posted 07-13-2007 7:31 PM berberry has replied

Inactive Member

Message 287 of 305 (410179)
07-13-2007 3:52 PM
Reply to: Message 286 by PaulK
07-13-2007 3:49 PM

Re: To AdminPD
If that is indeed the case then perhaps I owe an apology. I suppose we'll see.


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 Message 286 by PaulK, posted 07-13-2007 3:49 PM PaulK has not replied

Inactive Member

Message 289 of 305 (410186)
07-13-2007 4:52 PM
Reply to: Message 288 by AdminPD
07-13-2007 4:39 PM

Re: To AdminPD
In that case I don't believe I owe any apology at all. I repeat my earlier observation that, as you've done more than once in the past, you fail to see a moralizing, condescending attitude toward non-Christians and gays as insulting. It is only harsh language that you ever seem to notice.


This message is a reply to:
 Message 288 by AdminPD, posted 07-13-2007 4:39 PM AdminPD has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 291 by AdminPD, posted 07-13-2007 5:05 PM berberry has replied

Inactive Member

Message 292 of 305 (410189)
07-13-2007 5:16 PM
Reply to: Message 291 by AdminPD
07-13-2007 5:05 PM

Re: To AdminPD
The 'f' word has been used on this board for years. Again, there was nothing in that post that was any more insulting that nemjug's condescending and moralizing attitude toward gays and non-xians. You seem to be blind to that, and it calls to mind how you were only too willing to accept that man's patronizing, sham "apology" to me for comparing gays to animals in one of the Haggard threads last year.
My post should not have been singled out in any way whatsoever!


This message is a reply to:
 Message 291 by AdminPD, posted 07-13-2007 5:05 PM AdminPD has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 293 by AdminPD, posted 07-13-2007 7:10 PM berberry has replied

Inactive Member

Message 296 of 305 (410268)
07-14-2007 3:08 AM
Reply to: Message 293 by AdminPD
07-13-2007 7:10 PM

Re: To AdminPD
AdminPD writes:
And people get dinged for it depending on how it is used.
But they do not get "dinged" for assuming an insulting air of moral superiority and talking down to gays and non-xians, do they? Certainly not by you!
What in Nem's post mentions gays or non Christians?
Look at the passage I quoted, then look in an adjacent post where he compares gay sex to rape. You know, I should think you'd be capable of seeing this yourself, but I suppose I shouldn't be surprised that you can't.


This message is a reply to:
 Message 293 by AdminPD, posted 07-13-2007 7:10 PM AdminPD has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 299 by AdminPD, posted 07-14-2007 8:04 AM berberry has replied

Inactive Member

Message 297 of 305 (410269)
07-14-2007 3:10 AM
Reply to: Message 295 by AdminNem
07-13-2007 7:31 PM

Re: To AdminPD
If you wish to communicate with me then respond to the message I wrote you. Otherwise, shut the hell up!


This message is a reply to:
 Message 295 by AdminNem, posted 07-13-2007 7:31 PM AdminNem has not replied

Inactive Member

Message 300 of 305 (410306)
07-14-2007 8:42 AM
Reply to: Message 299 by AdminPD
07-14-2007 8:04 AM

Re: To AdminPD
AdminPD writes:
There's not much we can do if you find disagreement offensive.
I don't know how much more clearly I can state it, but I'll say it once again: It is the condescending air of moral superiority that I find not merely offensive but deeply insulting. I am not offended by disagreement and I resent the implication that I am.
See if you can follow this:
Here's Taz:
I'm really sorry, everytime I see one of you talk about god, I just can't get past all the BS that I see you guys do and say about other people who have never done you any harm.
It should be clear that Taz is referring to "other people" who do not share that idiot's "moral framework". That would include gays. If it isn't clear enough, then read the entire post, which specifically mentions nemjug's condescending attitude toward gays.
nemjug responds:
Your reasoning goes on thus: I haven't been raped. Since no one has hurt me, rape must be extrapolated and manipulated in to terms that grant its freedom from prohibition.
The comparison of gay sex to rape is crystal clear. If it isn't clear to you, then just what do you think that moralizing bastard was talking about?
You can go back to my post, the one that started all of this, for an example of his presumption of moral superiority over non-xians.
This is a long-standing pattern with nemjug, going back much further than even his comparison of gays to animals last year (then as now, by the way, it was not his insult but my response which drew your ire). I should think anyone of even the meanest intelligence, if not "washed in the blood of jesus" or what the fuck ever, would be able to detect nemjug's condescending and patronizing attitude toward anyone, and especially gays, who do not share his narrow-minded and unabashedly bigoted world-view.


This message is a reply to:
 Message 299 by AdminPD, posted 07-14-2007 8:04 AM AdminPD has not replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 301 by Admin, posted 07-14-2007 9:29 AM berberry has not replied
 Message 302 by Hyroglyphx, posted 07-14-2007 12:25 PM berberry has not replied

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