Buz, you said the following;
I realize I've been blunt and to the point regarding Admin policy. As King Solomon put it in the Proverbs, "Better is the wounds of a friend than the kisses of an enemy," as I've quoted on occasion. Perhaps some things I've said, being taken as wounds can be productive for improvement. I hope so.
Now try to turn it around. How about an "enemy" who sees why you're not making any headway against them and, instead of pressing advantage, tries to advise you on how to improve? To be honest, that's what people were doing when they advised you to check the credibility of your sources. Crash gave you a link to scholar google which would give you access to more reliable sources. Others have explained to you how you can check the credibility of your sources. I don't see any of that as picking on you.
Why don't you stop, take a deep breath and a step back and read through all the posts again. Those by posters that you describe as the "prominent few" you could just ignore, but I would suggest reading them again anyway.
Honestly, Buz, people really have been trying to help you. Why don't you give them the benefit of the doubt for a little while and see how you get on?