in the science forums where IDist nonsense has no scientific bearing
Buz, ID is perfectly welcome in the science threads. It is often discussed here. There are many legitimate discussions on ID. Let's recap:
In the beginning, ID hypothesises that observed levels of complexity in organisms is incompatible with random mutation and natural selection. ID makes the prediction that there will be irreduciably complex (IC) units that cannot evolve naturally. ID brings forth several examples of such IC units.
THIS IS SCIENCE, Buz !!!!! Not the bullshit you bring forth from nutball sites - you are simply parrotting complete nonsensical gargbage. You are doing ID no favours whatsoever. When we say you are talking bollocks, Buz, it is not an attack on ID, faith, religion, Christianity... it is simply becasue you are so far out of your depth and are simply talking bollocks.
Briefly back to ID: it just so happens that every example of IC has been counter-demontrated to not be IC, or at least suggestions have been made as to how such units could evolve. And thus the vast majority of scientists dismiss ID and the concept of IC. Unfortunately for ID, they don't seem to be moving beyond "oh yes it is IC, nah nah nah".
the conventional more secularist elitist members can discuss conventional elitist science without the (aleged) nonsense which member Buzsaw posts whenever he shows up
Buz, "conventional elitist science" is more commonly known as "science". The whole point of science is to separate out the bullshit - the alchemy, the astrology, the numerology. You are just firmly in the alchemy/astrology/numerology camp and you don't like it. Tough. Science is not kind to bullshit - it cannot be and remain science.
let him find a physics or science site that will tolerate his (alleged) stupid logic and the (alleged) IDist nonsense which he insists on posting
What you want, Buz, is a site that will say "hey Buz, really neat idea... you're really clever... how do you come up with such amazing ideas?" There are a billion idiots out there ready for you. Go find them. The rest of us here will carry on learning from each other.
Truly pathetic...