I agree with your advisement to find more creative ways to call someone on a lie/misrepresentation. I try to just point out the lie with evidence instead of getting into name calling.
However, I have one quibble.
You say
You will note that crash DID NOT directly accuse NJ of lying. However, I am absolutely certain crash was fully aware of what he was doing. To promulgate a falsehood while knowing it is a falsehood - crash's accusation here - is different from lying how, exactly?
and yet, you advise us to say
"your assertion doesn't appear to be supported by the evidence" is a good one in science threads. "That turns out not to be the case", and "that is not entirely accurate"
which is still, in essence, calling someone a liar.
I know Crash can be somewhat, shall we say, fiery and maybe that approach is what you and others object to. If so, you should come out and say it.
I still back him up in this case, tho, because what he said was that maybe NJ was having a hard time providing asked for evidence because the claims he made were false. That doesn't necessarily mean that he thought that NJ was deliberately lying as you suggest, but that he made some claims and when asked to back them up he couldn't do it because the
arguments were lies and the evidence doesn't exist (the truth of this matter remains to be seen...I am just making a point).
Then again, he may well "know what he is doing", but so would the person who says "your assertion is not supported by the evidence."
They are saying the same thing.
{ABE: I do realize that you and the other admins are indeed fair. I am not trying to be argumentative for argument's sake. I appreciate (and I'm sure Crash does as well) the warning and the clarification.}
Edited by Jaderis, : grovelling