I wanted to express my appreciation to
PurpleDawn, wearing both her admin and non-admin hats, for everything she did to bring sanity to the recent
What Is Evil? thread.
Closing that thread was the right call. Thanks to PD's previous restraint, the timing was exactly right.
I appreciate Phat's efforts to carry the ball a bit for someone who wasn't able, and the patience showed by all concerned.
Please accept my regrets, PD, about one thing. I know that, after all our efforts to attain focus, my last post momentarily
helped the OP author avoid the topic and soak up some attention. At that point it was clear he intended to scuttle the discussion one way or the other. I took a last opportunity to make a suggestion.
Admirable leadership, PD. Many thanks.
Edited by Archer Opterix, : brev.
All species are transitional.