AdminPD did the right thing by temporarily closing the thread. We all drifted off topic. I include myself in that indictment. This is why we have Moderators in the forums.
Don't take it personally. Its not directed to you, personally. We all were drifting OT.
With that said, I think it would be wise for you to tone down the aggression. We are here to debate. Debating is supposed to be both recreational and educational.
Of course we are not all going to agree. (Kind of hard to debate someone you agree with). Is it going to get heated? Are some people's feelings going to get hurt sometimes, even if that wasn't the intent? Yes. But lets not lose focus of what this means. At the very least, take from it a way to sharpen your debate skills and to learn something that perhaps you didn't know before.
If we can't keep it civil and in perspective, then some people are going to be banned or suspended. I think I can speak for us all when I say that we enjoy your company; we enjoy your contributions; and this place would be a little different without you in it.
We want you to stay and be a part of EvC. But not at the expense of EvC drifting in to the unmoderated free-for-all's that pervade other forums.
Thou shalt not have any other Mods before Me