Some concerns on your posting style. I know you have read the guidelines, but your posts are primarily chat style and cut and pastes.
Well. A couple of questions, then.
I can think of 2 things that might mean.
(1) Informal.
(2) Dropping a "personal" note (e.g. the note to Mod)
Yes? No?
Cut and paste, tho? I take exception to that characterization.
AFAIK, whenever I have c&p'ed info from a website, I have credited that website*. And tho I can't be sure, after having posted, what 75? times, I would imagine nearly 3/4 of the thoughts/words are mine.
Furthermore, if I were to characterize my posting style, I would say that I tend to "take apart" an argument one point at a time (e.g. when I tried to get keys on topic ... repeatedly). A lot of folks here tend to use more of a "shotgun" approach ... a point by point rebuttal of nearly each line of a post. And while that's useful and I like to read those, I think it's important to pin down an "opponent" and not let them slide on basic stuff. Rather like RAZD did in the Great Debate on evolution. He kept pounding on the definitions.
Any help you can give me is appreciated.
*With the exception of the definitions of logical fallacies, that is