kofh2u writes:
Using this different Hypothesis, one can add that the "Ark" that actually carried all the names and visions of the animals Out-of-Africa 40 thousand years of "days and nights" ago was the Skull of modern men:
So... Noah built the skull of modern men? Was Noah an ape? Or did he use a rib and is Noah actually God Himself? This seems incredibly strange and really stretching the story.
I mean, if the story is going to be used as a metaphor, there are metaphors that are much better. Like having the story be about a local flood instead of a global one. That makes a lot of sense, and barely stretches anything. But having Noah be the creator of modern brain anatomy? That just doesn't make any sense at all, and stretches the story beyond all reasonable limitations.
No. There was never a global flood, "all animals" were never herded onto an ark, and Noah is likely entirely fictitious.
It does make for a good children's story, though.