Just like you keep ignoring the fact the ark was not a boat.
Your suggestion of a rudderless, three tier crate wouldn't relieve the problem of breakup but increase it. And with only a 5:3 section it would roll like a log without adding yet again its own weight in ballast.
Just like everyone ignore's the fact all land mass was in one place in Genesis when the flood took place. Which would reduce the amount of water necessary to cover it.
I do suppose if all the land mass was in one place the extra gravity would allow the water to pile. I can see this cutting the 11 km down to 10.990 km. [sarcasm]That solves everything.[/sarcasm]
Nothing about the ability or knowledge to use the material just access.
Do you think you could put a few paragraphs of argument and explanation together instead of disingenuous one liners? Very often the points you're trying to make with your snappy comments are delusional and, consequently, not as apparent to the rest of us as they are to you.
It's not the man that knows the most that has the most to say.