Perhaps all you need to understand this is a simpler example.
You are sitting on the beach and you have 2 clocks that are set to the exact same time and are very accurate.
If you leave both clocks on the beach, even for a very long time, they will never get out of sync.
Now, you leave one clock on the beach and you take the other one with you on a climb to the top of Mt Everest and leave it there.
Now the only thing that has changed is the elevation of the two clocks and, predictably, the clock you left on Everest will start to drift from the clock you left on the beach. It will be running slightly faster.
You can repeat this experiment a number of times with a number of clocks and it will always turn out the same. In fact, the difference in the elevation between the two clocks influences just how fast they will drift. If you launch that clock which was on Mt. Everest into space, it will drift faster than it did on Mt. Everest.
This is verification of relativity which states that mass influences space and time. In this clock example, it is the mass of the earth that is doing the influencing.
If you can influence time with matter, time is therefore a property of the universe.
Edited by Jazzns, : No reason given.
If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be. --Thomas Jefferson