Why can't you have space without time?
The answer is Einstein's theory of Special Relativity. Time and space are relative to the motion of an observer and are not independent of each other. Space and time are connected to make four-dimensional spacetime. Think of it this way, when viewing 2-dimensional objects, they are flat. 3-dimensional objects, however, have depth and length. Time is it's own dimension. The 4th is all of them combined. But why?
Distance x's time = speed. Speed x's time = distance. Time divided by distance = speed. One is useless without the other as we define distances by time. It is a necessary prerequisite. The time it takes light to travel between two points. For example, one light year is the distance light will travel in a year. You just cannot have one without the other.
It's the same principle of how matter cannot exist independent of space. Where would you place the mass if mass displaces space or is within space? Same concept.
All you have to have for space to exist is existence.
Define "existence" apart from time, space, and matter, the three physical properties of the universe.
Now if events take place in that existence in space humans need some way of measuring the existence between events. Thus mankind invented the concept of time then came up with numbers to desiginate such interval's.
The intervals are mathematically devised for man's purposes, but time travels on regardless.
Edited by Hyroglyphx, : No reason given.
"Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind." -- Bertrand Russell