Great example.
But you have not influenced time.
The duration is the same on the beach and on the mountain or in the satellite.
All you have influenced is the man made instrument that is supposed to be marking time.
That influence is caused by what is called gravity. How one body of mass affects another body of mass.
Please, please,
please try to understand what we are trying to say.
The actual time that has passed for the clock on Everest is different than that that passed for the one that is at a lower elevation. This is because gravity, as a product of matter, has influenced space-time. If you can, please take a look at the speed of light in relationship to time- I'm sure you will find out a lot and hopefully bring something to the discussion.
The definition of duration is existence.
Existence is all those little atoms and waves.
Without those little atoms and waves there is no existence.
With no existence there is no duration as we call it to measure.
Not so. Existence and duration are
the same thing. This is what we call space-time. And just because we measure it does not mean that it does not exist independent of our measurements. For example, if I look at a forest and say there are 200 trees (whether right or wrong) does that mean that there would not be 200 trees if I was not there to count?
When it comes down to it, science and mathematics are just properties of the universe that we have discovered, not created. If we had created, them, then why do we still not know more/everything?
Do you think that science and mathematics exist regardless of being measured or observed? It's the "If a tree falls in a forest" argument. Please answer with a straightforward and clear answer. If you do not or cannot, then the continuation of this thread is a waste of time.
Edited by Teapots&unicorns, : No reason given.