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Author Topic:   MMORGs and role playing discussion.
Posts: 4081
Joined: 07-01-2005
Member Rating: 8.1

Message 30 of 198 (525510)
09-23-2009 4:00 PM

I started playing MMOs with Horizons.
That game should never have seen the light of day. It was the very definition of "good ideas with incompetent, half-assed, rushed implementation."
Then I tried City of Heroes, and I was much happier...but I sucked, badly. Eventually I got bored with the game's limited options for character development, the cookie0cutter feel to everything in teh game other than costume creation, and the fact that I was just doing it wrong and my fail overcame my desire to pay $15/month.
Next was WoW...and I'm still playing. It's cartooney, but it fits with the premise. The most important part is that the game is fun. The fact that my girlfriend plays too might be a large component of that.
I've also played EVE Online (meh), Conan (More good ideas plagued by incompetence and rushing), and Champions Online (released Sept. 1st, having fewer launch issues than most and pretty fun so far with some VERY good ideas and changes from the typical WoW-clone mold).

Posts: 4081
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Member Rating: 8.1

Message 37 of 198 (525545)
09-23-2009 5:35 PM
Reply to: Message 31 by Perdition
09-23-2009 4:18 PM

Re: New Ideas
Well, Champions is giving me some of the things I've really wanted: a good non-basic-fantasy themed MMO, action-based gameplay instead of chain-clicking abilities (Conan tried this, Champions does it better), no defined roles like "tank" vs. "healer," freedom to choose from basically all abilities to create really unique builds instead of basic "Destruction Warlock" or "Protection Paladin" templates, etc.
I would totally play a WH40k MMO. Warhammer Online tried to out-WoW WoW, and that just doesn't work.
A space-based MMO with more customization, more action, and in general better combat than EVE would be cool. EVE is just too...generic feeling - you can't even change the paint pattern of your ships, and there's not that many to choose from in the first place, so it's like everybody in the game is driving a Toyota of one model or another, and they're all painted blue. Kinda lame. The combat system is a bit sterile to my tastes as well.

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 Message 38 by Perdition, posted 09-23-2009 6:00 PM Rahvin has not replied

Posts: 4081
Joined: 07-01-2005
Member Rating: 8.1

Message 40 of 198 (525566)
09-23-2009 7:18 PM
Reply to: Message 39 by Granny Magda
09-23-2009 7:07 PM

Baldur's Gate II and its sequel were some of the best games ever made, period. I still load them up from time to time.

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 Message 39 by Granny Magda, posted 09-23-2009 7:07 PM Granny Magda has replied

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 Message 41 by Granny Magda, posted 09-23-2009 7:25 PM Rahvin has not replied
 Message 44 by Larni, posted 09-24-2009 5:55 AM Rahvin has not replied
 Message 49 by New Cat's Eye, posted 09-24-2009 10:24 AM Rahvin has replied

Posts: 4081
Joined: 07-01-2005
Member Rating: 8.1

Message 51 of 198 (525705)
09-24-2009 10:34 AM
Reply to: Message 49 by New Cat's Eye
09-24-2009 10:24 AM

I have played both.
ToEE was horrible. It was buggy as all hell at launch. I only played the demo, so they may have fixed it a bit, but I wasnt going to pay money for that.
NN was good. The expansions were far better than the original campaign.
Baldur's Gate makes other good games look like ET:
It's that good, particularly BG2 and the expansion, Throne of Bhaal. I've heard that Planescape: Torment, which uses the same engine, was also really really good, but I never got a chance to play that one. There's just so MUCH in the game. Tons of stuff to do, all nonlinear so you can do it whenever, lots of interaction between the characters, a real feel that you're affecting the world...and the story isn't shit. I can't say enough good things about it. I was serious when I said "one of the best games ever made, period."

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 Message 49 by New Cat's Eye, posted 09-24-2009 10:24 AM New Cat's Eye has replied

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 Message 54 by Larni, posted 09-24-2009 11:52 AM Rahvin has not replied

Posts: 4081
Joined: 07-01-2005
Member Rating: 8.1

Message 57 of 198 (525738)
09-24-2009 12:34 PM

This is making me want to dig up my CDs and play it again. Damn you all, I'm already trying to balance work, a girlfriend, and 2 MMOs! I haven't even had time to play Arkham Asylum yet! Bastards!

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 Message 58 by Larni, posted 09-24-2009 12:45 PM Rahvin has replied
 Message 63 by DrJones*, posted 09-24-2009 2:50 PM Rahvin has not replied

Posts: 4081
Joined: 07-01-2005
Member Rating: 8.1

Message 59 of 198 (525746)
09-24-2009 1:14 PM
Reply to: Message 58 by Larni
09-24-2009 12:45 PM

No idea. I've always loved playing as a Sorcerer - it's been long enough I might do that again. But the Kensai class holds some appeal as well. So does a Monk. Even an Archer. Or a Paladin, with that sexy sword.
It's just really hard to beat the late-game awesomeness of a living weapon of mass destruction. Magic really outshines melee in later levels...and BG2+ is all about later levels. Time Stop + epic spells = win.

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 Message 60 by Larni, posted 09-24-2009 1:33 PM Rahvin has not replied

Posts: 4081
Joined: 07-01-2005
Member Rating: 8.1

Message 67 of 198 (525803)
09-24-2009 5:22 PM

Anybody have a mod for life that adds more hours into the day? 'cause now I want to play way too many games.
Also, people should play Champions Online with me.
That is all.

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 Message 68 by onifre, posted 09-24-2009 5:47 PM Rahvin has not replied

Posts: 4081
Joined: 07-01-2005
Member Rating: 8.1

Message 77 of 198 (526045)
09-25-2009 5:15 PM
Reply to: Message 76 by Perdition
09-25-2009 5:00 PM

Re: (Granny Magda's Ithika)
My girlfriend plays WoW with me almost constantly.
WoW + expansions for 2 people: around $220
Monthly fee for 2 people: $30
Never having your girlfriend scream at you for paying more attention to computer games than her, and in fact nagging you to hurry up and get online before the raid starts, followed by post-raid sex?
Fucking priceless.

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 Message 78 by Perdition, posted 09-25-2009 5:19 PM Rahvin has not replied

Posts: 4081
Joined: 07-01-2005
Member Rating: 8.1

Message 86 of 198 (526160)
09-26-2009 1:18 AM
Reply to: Message 85 by onifre
09-26-2009 12:07 AM

Re: something for the nerds
Dude. You're posting to an Evolution vs. Creationism debate forum.
You argue on the interwebs over SCIENCE! The only thing more nerdy than that is arguing over the interwebs over whether Star Trek or Star Wars would win in a straight up fight, with meticulously derived upper and lower bounds for weapon strength, speed, force size, etc.
We're all nerds here. Except for maybe a few of the Creationists, who fit better in the Jesus-freak clique.
Yeah, I post at that forum too.

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 Message 85 by onifre, posted 09-26-2009 12:07 AM onifre has replied

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 Message 87 by onifre, posted 09-26-2009 1:20 AM Rahvin has replied

Posts: 4081
Joined: 07-01-2005
Member Rating: 8.1

Message 88 of 198 (526169)
09-26-2009 1:42 AM
Reply to: Message 87 by onifre
09-26-2009 1:20 AM

Re: something for the nerds
Hey that video was funny, eh?
I'm afraid I don't understand what he's talking about. Prequels? Darth Vader as a kid? No idea.
the prequels never happened there is only the original trilogy jarjar does not exist darth vader was not a wooden emotionless tool of a teenager he was not beaten by some retarded "anakin i have the high ground" bullshit the clone wars were not some lame clone army of the republic against a bunch of fucking incompetent droids who dont even refer to us as "meatbags" like a proper killer droid the emperor never screamed "unlimited power" and was not named fucking darth sidious he was the goddamned emperor and darth motherfucking sidious is a fucking lame name to give an evil

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 Message 87 by onifre, posted 09-26-2009 1:20 AM onifre has replied

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 Message 90 by onifre, posted 09-26-2009 8:17 AM Rahvin has not replied

Posts: 4081
Joined: 07-01-2005
Member Rating: 8.1

Message 126 of 198 (526374)
09-26-2009 11:36 PM
Reply to: Message 125 by Larni
09-26-2009 8:25 PM

Re: What Characters do you play?
The best roleplay session I ever had with my friends was when we didn't have any dice, and I just used the story and the character's attributes as a gauge to carry the story forward.
Rules are a means to an end, not something that should be stressed over.

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 Message 125 by Larni, posted 09-26-2009 8:25 PM Larni has not replied

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 Message 128 by cavediver, posted 09-27-2009 4:20 AM Rahvin has not replied
 Message 131 by Rrhain, posted 09-27-2009 6:17 AM Rahvin has not replied

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