Adminnemooseus writes:This is NOT at all how I saw you using the (+)/(-) system. Instead, you seemed to just give most to all of the evolution side messages a (+) and most to all of the creationist side messages a (-). Which, to me, was nothing much more than you being a jerk (OSLT).
I disagree, and I consider that an unfair analysis.
You are taking the ID viewpoint: the feature was designed by an intelligent agent, and its purpose comes from the intentions of the designer.
I prefer the evolution viewpoint: the feature evolved through a process of trial and error, and it gets its purpose from the way that it is being used.
It has turned out that the way it is used varies. But that's hardly surprising.
Some people have been using the "cheer" for "I agree" and the jeer for "I disagree". Wouldn't the "jerk" designation be more appropriate for somebody who posted a reply "I agree" or a reply "I disagree" to just about every message?
People have adapted to using the cheer/jeer system as a form of communication. People vary in how they use it, as with any system of communication.
My suggestion: put back the jeer button, and embrace the way that people are actually using the system.
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