You are specifically the reason I discontinued the (-) option.
That's a lame justification for removing a tool that helps people to express themselves. It is not sound reasoning to judge the use of a thing by it's abuse. I would agree that some people did abuse the option but I don't think that Tanypteryx was one of them and it wouldn't really matter if he did.
Having a cheer without a jeer option is some kind of church lady social engineering manoeuvre and has no place on a forum where ideas should flow without restriction. The cheer/jeer option is akin to a vote and what kind of voting system only allows positive votes? The kind that they have in North Korea that's what kind. Next thing you know it will be banishment for lack lustre clapping.
I think that a simple counter that counted the members cheers/jeers would be a good thing and more informative than the old member rating system. A straight count when combined with the members total number of posts should provide all the information anyone would need to assess the members standing in the community. It didn't make sense to me that I should have the same rating as other members who obviously possess vastly superior knowledge and had accumulated a far higher number of supporting votes.