I guess I wasn't clear. The guidelines for admin negative ratings would be the forum rules. If an individual admin perceives a rule violation problem, he can easily flag the message with an "admin thumbs down". One of the benefits of such, is that everyone can see when a message has administrative disapproval - A sign that says "All or a significant part of this message should not have been posted". Much easier and much less messy than admin message responses to the offending message, admins needing to "hide" text, admins needing to add "off-topic" banners, etc.
I see, thanks for clearing that up. I could live with that. Everyone can clearly see what the rules are, and as long as we still have some way to publicly disagree with a bad rating I dont see any problems.
Maybe a thumbs up with the # of times it got voted good by members, and a simple red X over the thumbs up for bad message?
I am not sure what would happen if it got several thumbs up, but was determined by admin to be bad though, maybe when you determine it was a bad msg then any positive votes disappear and it couldn't be voted on? Just a thought.
"I hate to advocate the use of drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone, but they always worked for me." - Hunter S. Thompson
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