ok, so if we look at what evolutionists teach, it should be able to be tested and varified like gravity can. Gravity can be demonstrated, tested, and proved in the lab and elsewhere.
As indeed, it can.
so tell me, does the evidence support the evolution of life from inanimate chemicals? Has that be tested in a lab and has it been proved that inanimate chemicals can make the leap from non living to living matter?
For the hundred, trillion, billionth time: EVOLUTION DOES NOT ADDRESS THE ORIGIN OF LIFE.
Why do Creationists struggle so with this insanely simple point?
And, in any case, we know for a cast iron fact that life emerged from non-life. We know, for a fact, no life 13.7 billion years and no life on earth 4.5 billion years ago. We also know that was life on Earth by 3 billion years ago, and probably 3.8 billion years ago. Therefore between these two times some kind of life emerged from non life.