There aren't problems with millions of years still, such as comets?
It was awfully amusing about a decade ago to watch Answers in Genesis
evolve from their position of "there is no Kuiper Belt of comets!!1!" through "well, there aren't but a few of them!1!!" to silence on the subject.
There's an Oort Cloud out there, Flyer. The Kuiper Belt had no known members 20 years ago, and now over a thousand are cataloged. It's just difficult to see things that are darker than coal and several billion miles away.
So no, there is no "problem" with comets.
"The wretched world lies now under the tyranny of foolishness; things are believed by Christians of such absurdity as no one ever could aforetime induce the heathen to believe." - Agobard of Lyons,
ca. 830 AD