Tram law writes:
Oh wow, thank you. I appreciate it. I'll repeat the question below:
My friend says the primordial soup, the soup that from where all life came from, is nothing more than myth. He says it's a myth because the odds of such a primordial soup are astronomical to make it completely impossible for life to form from it, and therefore, the primordial Soup is a myth.
Is he correct?
Edit: often I do want to discuss thing, but i simply lack the capacity to.
Not if his sole argument is based around probabilities.
Apart from the afore mentioned lack of knowledge of what would have had to be there, there is also the simple fact that anything with a finite probability, no matter how small, can happen (I'm a Safety Engineer -- I know
Combine that with the vast size, and extreme age of the universe and you'll see that the typical 'astronomical' probablities become rapidly reduced.