How do we know that Pi is an irrational number?
All your questions are related so I'll just take the first one. Unfortunately there is no general method for figuring out whether a number is irrational or not. Usually each number is shown to be irrational in a way that invokes its own specific definition or the context it arises in. For example all proofs of the irrationality of pi basically revolve around the following:
1. Generate some specific equation involving the trigonometric functions sin(x), cos(x), tan(x), e.t.c.
2. Assume pi is rational.
3. The the equation has some property (A), e.g. it's greater than 1.
4. It also has property (not A), e.g. it's less than or equal to 1.
5. Hence pi being rational is contradictory, so pi is irrational.
Step 1 relies heavily on the trigonometric functions, which are related to pi. For other numbers you have to come up with other functions or relations. There is no general method, it's treated on a case by case basis. I think a systematic method of doing this that works in all cases would be a major discovery.