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Author Topic:   Quick Questions, Short Answers - No Debate
Inactive Member

Message 200 of 341 (653993)
02-25-2012 9:12 PM
Reply to: Message 199 by NoNukes
02-25-2012 5:42 PM

Re: Gasoline prices
Gas station operators try to make sure that they always bring in enough revenue to buy the next shipment of gas,
Perhaps this is all hooey, but there was a news story on TV a long while ago which claimed that only a few cents of each gallon actually goes to the gas station.
I have no idea how this number was calculated, and it sounds pretty suspect to me. But perhaps it has some merit... and some meaning!

Love your enemies!

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 Message 199 by NoNukes, posted 02-25-2012 5:42 PM NoNukes has replied

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 Message 201 by Coyote, posted 02-25-2012 9:30 PM Jon has replied
 Message 205 by NoNukes, posted 02-26-2012 12:56 PM Jon has replied

Inactive Member

Message 203 of 341 (654002)
02-26-2012 1:14 AM
Reply to: Message 201 by Coyote
02-25-2012 9:30 PM

Re: Gasoline prices
And if you look at the tax statement on the pump, many times that figure goes to the various governments.
Not quite enough though... at least according to the potholes down the street.

Love your enemies!

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 Message 201 by Coyote, posted 02-25-2012 9:30 PM Coyote has not replied

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 Message 204 by Omnivorous, posted 02-26-2012 10:53 AM Jon has not replied

Inactive Member

Message 207 of 341 (654047)
02-26-2012 2:27 PM
Reply to: Message 205 by NoNukes
02-26-2012 12:56 PM

Re: Gasoline prices
I don't doubt that gas station operators don't make a lot of profit on each gallon of gasoline. But they still have to keep buying and pumping gas in order to sell over priced chips, flashlights, milk, hot dogs, beer, phony stay awake juice, etc. When the cost of buying new gasoline starts cutting into the snack profits, then the station can be in trouble.
I thought the snacks were expensive because of low volume sales on snacks and to make up for low profits on the gas.

Love your enemies!

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 Message 205 by NoNukes, posted 02-26-2012 12:56 PM NoNukes has replied

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 Message 208 by NoNukes, posted 02-26-2012 2:58 PM Jon has not replied

Inactive Member

Message 324 of 341 (667780)
07-12-2012 7:19 AM
Reply to: Message 320 by Son Goku
07-12-2012 6:47 AM

Re: Thee
What were the separate dative forms before they merged with the accusative forms? Or would that take you too far back (like Old English)?
It might take you back further than that. My source indicates that in OE, the accusative forms of 'thou' and 'ye' were e/ec and eow/eowic, respectively, while the dative forms were limited to being only e and eow. This appears to follow the pattern for the dual number of these pronouns (inc/incit) as well as for all three numbers of the first person pronouns.
My source further states:
C. M. Millward in A Biography of the English Language 2nd. ed. (1996):
The first distinction, between dative and accusative, was collapsing even in OE, where it was clearly and consistently retained only in the third person. (pp. 98—99)
Edited by Jon, : Edited to include further information...
Edited by Jon, : No reason given.

Love your enemies!

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 Message 320 by Son Goku, posted 07-12-2012 6:47 AM Son Goku has seen this message but not replied

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