Unfortunately, you completely forgot to say how you know this. Which makes your assertions on this topic as worthless and useless as your assertions on every other topic.
I was a Police dog trainer in the service for many years and Behavioralist say they sense it the same way they sense a Epileptic seizure. they sense the chemical reactions produced by biological changes. In this way they can move in front of the person, sit down in fron of them and let them know they are getting ready to have seizure
ICANT is essentially correct, the way they train dogs to sense sezures is simply amazing.
I have been doing it so long I am able to notice my personal dogs reactions to things. We use to get hit in the back of the head with things by the instructor, when it was obvious we werent watching our dogs reactions. Number one rule WATCH YOU DOG
example many years ago while transporting my Shelty around here and there, I noticed him always smelling a specifc spot on my leg. My imagination got to work and sure enough when I went to the doctor he said there is enough blockage there for the dog to react to it as something different than normal.
On the other hand I have a Chawinnie and Beagle that are a simply blockheads, but they make up for it being more personable than the shelty
Here is simple test you can do at your home to make you more aware of your dogs ablities and reactions. In your living room introduce a small package into the room, say the size of your hand, with a common and not to strong of an odor, place in the middle of the coffee table around some other stuff or beside it.
Do all of this without the dog in the room, then bring the dog in casually and naturally and watch how quickly he moves directly twords it or when he or she walks past it , notice thier head turn slightly or quickly to go back to that new odor. this is called Casting. Then the dog will either go directly to it or move to one or the other side of it until it pinnpoints it, thats called Just Noticable difference and Saturation Point
They essentially have stored every single odor in the room already in thier mind and they see (smell) that new odor.
you know what they say, if you cannot get an alarm system, get a small breed dog.
I have put a many of drug users in prison using thier skills. We use to put controlled substances inside the middle of coffee cans and laundy boxes and they had no problem identifying the source or the odor.
Its hard to believe a deers sense of smell is even greater than a dogs. Perhaps its because they have a bigger nose. Ya think?
Speaking of the completely wierd, many years ago i was sitting in front of the idiot box, watching a program and the dog was laying between myself and the TV and all of the sudden there was a low but noticable growl that seemed to be coming from the TV area, so my first response was that it was off of the program, but nothing in the context of the program would be consistent with that noise.
So Igot up looked outside, because sounds outside can often seem to be inside, still nothing, no movement or people making noises, so I went to the next room, because sounds from another room can often seem as if they are in your room, still nothing,
Thinking nothing of it I sat back down in front of the TV as most guys would, I mean what else is there to do right A couple of seconds later, the same growl occured again, this time more noticable and distinct and it was obvious it wanst coming from the TV, but directly in front of me. Before this happened however the dog sat up as if he noticed something before the noise actually occured
So much so this time my dog got up and growled back at it. It wierded me out and I am certain it was nothing that could not be naturally explained. never heard it again and dont know what it was. And no, I dont believe in any thing out of the ordinary in that sense, just relaying another dog story
watch your dogs reactions when thery are laying around the house, they are usually pretty reliable in letting you know about things before hand.
Now cats on the other hand appear to be completely stupid or very intelligent. have you ever watched the cat that was sitting in one room and for no obvious reason he has to very quickly and nearly violently be in the next room for some reason. however when you go see what the excitement was all about, he is just sitting in t he middle of the room doing nothing, but he had to be there very quickly for no obvious reason. Go figure
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