God has no beginning and no end. Therefore, he could not have been created, because this implies that he had a beginning.
One problem is, there are an infinite amount of god concepts, there is no way your personal god concept deals with every one of them. The one you happen to believe in (assuming you take the bible as your reference guild) is claimed to have these qualities. But here again, its just what was written in the bible, by men thousands of years ago. So the question remains, how did they know god fits that characteristic? What was their evidence for this? Its all vague is it not?
If you say, well they were inspired by god. Then I would ask how you know that. If you say, because that's what the bible says, then that is circular reasoning.
Also, how do you know god is a male?
Everyone, and everything we see today has a beginning and an end.
This is wrong. Let me ask, when did you begin to exist, when you were born, when your parents had sex, before that as sperm, before that in your grandfather? you can see how far we can go with this. All the way back to just carbon elements.
Nothing we see today has a beginning, even an ending is pointless to claim because when we die we continue to decompose and become something else.
In fact I'll challenge you to show one example of something that has a beginning and an end that I couldn't demonstrate was just a different form of something else.
- Oni