Big_Al35 writes:
1) Do people forge evidence for the sake of the belief? If this is true then it is a false religion.
That rules them all out then. For Christianity specifically, how many false "ark of Noah's" have been found.
2) Do the proponents of the religion undermine your beliefs by stating that you have no evidence for your beliefs. If they do this their religion is a false one.
Again, all seem to be false then. For Christianity, creationists regularly claim there is no evidence for speciation. Or for any of the other religions that are around.
3) Do the proponents of the belief state that you are either ignorant, stupid, insane or wicked if you choose not to follow them? If they do this their religion is a false one.
Again, this seems to rule out all religions. Again, fro Christianity, I don;t know how many times I've been told "you just don't get it!'.
4) Do the believers think that your God is a cruel and evil God. If they believe this then theirs is a false religion.
Yep, there they all go again. For Christianity specifically, they tell me that because I'm an atheist, I must be completely immoral.
5) Does the proponent of the belief promote and evangelise his belief willingly or does he engage in negative tactics such as witholding information, not engaging and belittling his opponents.
If he engages in negative tactics it is a false religion.
And again, every religion ever. For Christianity, see Kent Hovind.
So, according to all your points,
all religions are false. Christianity specifically.