These are some of the reasons why evolution (and atheism, by extension) is a religion: According to Smart, N., 1996. Dimensions of the sacred: an anatomy of the world’s beliefs. HarperCollins, London, there are seven dimensions of a religion.
1. Narrative
This one is strange as, according to the book you referred to, the first of the seven dimensions of beliefs, is : ‘Doctrinal’.
Yet, you listed the first of Smart’s the seven dimensions of the sacred as: ‘ Narrative’.
The word ‘narrative’ (from the Oxford Dictionary) means: 1
n. tale, story, recital of facts, esp. story told in first person; kind of composition or talk that confines itself to these 2.
a. in the form of, or concerned with, narration;
The word ‘doctrinal’ means:
a. of or inculcating doctrine(s).
The word ‘doctrine’ means :
n. wat is taught, body of instruction; religious, political, scientific, etc., belief, dogma or tenet;
The word ‘inculcate’ means :
t. urge, impress, (fact, habit, idea) persistently (
upon or
in person or mind).
Seeing that these words don’t have the same meaning, could you please advise us on why you changed the word ‘Doctrinal’, as found in the book you referred to, to ‘Narrative’, which has a different meaning ? Did you use a different version of the book? Did I miss something in that book?
1. The one you referred to: Smart, N., 1996. Dimensions of the sacred: an anatomy of the
world’s beliefs. HarperCollins, London.
2. The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Current English. Seventh Edition. 1987 reprint.
Edited by Pressie, : Spelling