Frako,responding to Jon writes:
Since most normal people know this i made a joke about it. God trying to explain to someone who does not even know what iron is how to make steel. Straight to the point and no wall of text for you to skim over and grab a sentence you could misquote me on to try and prove you creationist point.
Now that I read many of your posts, I think that you
do occasionally try and take jabs at creationism by implying that they are dumb! (

) To be fair, Jon is not a creationist, at least not of the biblical literalism variety. And the peanut gallery of ratings commentators are also occasionally guilty of being trite. Personally, as an admin, I overlook lots of things, since over policing some topics simply bogs them down. I'm beginning to think that if a topic gets out of hand we ought just move it to Free For All and let the contestants throw jabs at each other!