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Author | Topic: Report Discussion Problems Here 3.0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Chuck77 Inactive Member |
I just have two quick questions. First, im embarrassed to ask but need to, as i've see it referenced a lot here. What does ABE stand for? I've searched for myself and can't find the meaning. I assume it has something to do with editing?
Second, How do I place a message in my comment thats from another member? Exactly like the one Percy did right above. (i.e. Message 650) Thanks. ***NOTE*** Nevermind the second question. I got it ![]() Edited by Chuck77, : No reason given. Edited by Chuck77, : No reason given.
Chuck77 Inactive Member |
Thanks PaulK.
Chuck77 Inactive Member
I read his comments and disagree, go cry somewhere else if you can't take an opposing view. He is no more insulting than anyone else on that thread, in fact, he's not isulting at all, whiner.
Chuck77 Inactive Member
Wounded King writes: but IAJ seems to have turned it into a thread on biblical exegesis. Ooooh, I also have to disagree with this too. Only Him huh? Not Nuggin? Hmmm, I didn't see Joe insult him ONCE, on the other hand.. Joe tried to add to the conversation but like always, because of the reputation he has because of people like YOU, he is never taken seriously and insulted constantly, along with His english, pathetic. It's a debate site, if you want no opposing views go to talk origins. Edited by Chuck77, : No reason given. Edited by Chuck77, : No reason given.
Chuck77 Inactive Member
Admin writes: Perhaps members who are commenting on each other rather than on the threads they're watching could use PM's instead of posting messages here? There is that handy little "Send Private Message" link beneath each member's info summary. Message 1709 Just following Admins advise instead of airing it in the forum like you are. You really are clueless. Get a clue, get a freeking clue. You follow me around and add nothing to the debate other than to harrass me with your pathetic off topic comments. Deal with it. Edited by Chuck77, : No reason given.
Chuck77 Inactive Member
While we're at it, ill post the message that he wrote that had nothing to do with nothing but to harrass another member
Panda writes: Cuckold writes:{hidden text} For posterity. (Use peek) Message 53 "Cuckold:In modern terms, a cuckold can also mean a male fetishist who gains sexual gratification from watching his partner have intercourse with other people or having a wife who dates other men, often with the husband's approval." Cuckold - Wikipedia That's what he called me for no reason whatsoever. I commented on a thread as to the topic and he followed right behind me with this. And he complains about me? He should be suspended. I see no reason why he wouldn't. If he doesn't get suspended for this then this there's a problem. Edited by Chuck77, : No reason given. Edited by Chuck77, : No reason given. Edited by Chuck77, : No reason given.
Chuck77 Inactive Member
He's becoming an increasing problem here on this site with the way he conducts himself. Comment after comment on attacking the poster,Following me and other posters around for no other reason than to harrass. Something needs to happen.
Why is he able to run roughshod on this site when no one esle does?
Chuck77 Inactive Member
So all I did was come here to comment tonight and now I have to deal with stuff like this???
Panda is a problem here, simple as that. His purpose is to instigate and harass. Plain and simple. Edited by Chuck77, : No reason given.
Chuck77 Inactive Member
Can someone take care of this off topic banter and useless comment on a thread where people are trying to debate/discuss a topic? It happens a lot with this poster:
Panda Message 202 I was told by Admin to bring problems here. So, here I am.
Chuck77 Inactive Member
The title in this message seems to break certain forum guidelines.
Well, definitly breaks forum guidelines. I don't see this type of "debating" in any of Buz' posts. Message 222
Chuck77 Inactive Member
From Theodoric: "This thread seems to be a waste of board resources. If people want to talk about obesity or anything else I think they should start a topic on that topic.
Just having a thread about anything seems to be counter to the purpose and history of this site. I did not just give a thumbs down because I knew I would be accused of randomly attacking chuckie(I am sure I will still be accused of it). This thread again shows Chuckies unfitness for moderator as he is missing the whole purpose of the site."
Message 67 There's Theo's comment in that thread he's talking about. His first comment on that thread, and he's complaining about my response? Halarious! He shouldn't have commented then if he doesn't like it. In the words of Jar "it really is that simple".
OFF TOPIC - Please Do Not Respond to this message by continuing in this vein. AdminPD Edited by Chuck77, : No reason given. Edited by AdminPD, : Warning
Chuck77 Inactive Member
Theodoric writes: Wait for it.... UpdateThere it is. The thumbs down form CS. Amazingly he thumbs down almost all my posts. Wow! HA HA HA! Do you and Hooah even hear yourselves when you talk?!? Shall we count all of the red little dots you hand out so generously?! While simultaneosly playing pattycake with Panda and the Cheers and Jeers? Yeah, and it's quality you want here? HA HA HA...
OFF TOPIC - Please Do Not Respond to this message by continuing in this vein. AdminPD Edited by Chuck77, : No reason given. Edited by AdminPD, : Warning
Chuck77 Inactive Member
Panda writes: Whenever he starts to grate, I just type Chuck77 into google and click on the first link.After that - nothing he says affects me even slightly. How long you been getting online noe Panda? Years? And you think no people can have the same user name? You such a waste of space on this site. You really should be suspended. No one will tho...Moose tried to even things out and what happens? A moderator suspends a Admin? I didn't see the uproar about how Buz is treated here by Percy? No one suspended Percy for removing certain posting privalages from Buz...no uproar whatsoever. For Hooah tho???? Someone frequently breaks forum rules daily! This site is the best on the internet? Yeah, if you think censoring Creationists is cool that is. Panda, you Theo and Hooah all need to leave this site. It has no credibility with the likes of you people posting here. Simple.
OFF TOPIC - Please Do Not Respond to this message by continuing in this vein. AdminPD Edited by AdminPD, : Warning
Chuck77 Inactive Member
Buz is a creationist. I don't care what his standard of evidence is. He has creationist evidence. We are creationists, hence the debate. You know, the debate?
After the 300 or so posts all can give there summations and it's over. During the debating each evolutionist can reject Buz' evidence with their evidence that's how it works in real debating. When Christopher Hitchens debated WLC he did not censor his views on the matter. This is wrong and it's a complete joke that Administration has banned a good creationist from commenting in the Science section. It shouldn't be. Other members have a problem with this? How many? Take a vote. Let's ask the members. Not that it should matter but I think most welcome Buz to post in the Science section. All the fuss over Hooah being banned. So what if he didn't deserve it this time. How many other times DID he? Buz should be back. Simple as that. If people don't like his arguments man up and debate it. Then give a summation. Don't ban the members.
OFF TOPIC - Please Do Not Respond to this message by continuing in this vein. AdminPD Edited by Chuck77, : No reason given. Edited by AdminPD, : Warning
Chuck77 Inactive Member
I was wondering is this can be addressed: Message 164
I was under the impression that one line insults didn't constitute debate, which in fact that is what the purpose of this site is for, to debate. If I have insulted anyone in that thread like the way I am being insulted whatever penalty is given out to the members doing it to me i'll accept the same. I wonder why expressing our Creationist views here is always mocked, insulted and laughed at instead of addressed. It difficult to express ourselves here while always being under siege. Modulous post (the one I responded to) is a good example of the way to debate. I would probably be much more active here if I didn't have to put up with the rest of the insults. It's really gotten to the point where it's not worth debating here anymore. Almost all the Creationists leave, no one sticks around, because of the constant bullying and insulting and mocking. Thanks. Edited by Chuck77, : No reason given.
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