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Author | Topic: Are any of these prophecies fulfilled by Jesus? | |||||||||||||||||||||||
frako Member Posts: 2932 From: slovenija Joined: |
I wonder why icdesighn is not joining in to defend his claim. Could it be that he knew he was taking the prophecies out of context?
Genesis 49:10: The scepter will not depart from Judah, nor the ruler's staff from between his feet, until he comes to whom it belongs and the obedience of the nations is his. This one does not even need the whole context. Rome ruled over the Jews so the -"staff" was takenThe nation of jews mostly believes that jesus was not the mesias- So the obidiance of the nation is not his even worse the bible said the jews killed him so this prophecy is a clear no on fulfillement And still some cite it. Jeremiah 23:5: "The days are coming," declares the LORD, "when I will raise up to David a righteous Branch, a King who will reign wisely and do what is just and right in the land. Well tough luck he never reigned, wisely or unwisely, he was never a king, and not much justice and right came out of his life or death. and still it is being cited
frako Member Posts: 2932 From: slovenija Joined: |
Yea not a bad seller 3.9 billion copies in 2000 years
The litle red book on the ideology of the chinese communist party sold a quorter of that number or 820 million copies in much less time. Harry potter sold 400 million a tenth of the bible in what a 1% of the time the bible is on the makret. And im guessing the nr 2 and nr 3 would sell loads of more copies if they where put in every hotel drawer![]() Still the number of harry potter books sold does not make the story true.
frako Member Posts: 2932 From: slovenija Joined: |
I wonder what will happen to the site on may 22, 2011
frako Member Posts: 2932 From: slovenija Joined: |
ABE: Do you smell a moose? Ok im not trying to be offtopic but i realy would like to know what abe stands for. I googled abe definition and i got 140 results A few im guessing are not what you mean. Adult Basic EducationAnybody But England Adult Banner Exchange Accidental Blood Exposure Americans for Better Education To not stray to fare from topic How can they say a prophecy is furfilled if it is in both pars of the bible. Its like saying it was told that harry potter will slay that evil dude in book 1 and he slayed him in the last book (or so i think i did not read it or watch the movie yet). So the prophecy came true harry must be a real person and the best wizard ever.
OFF TOPIC - Please Do Not Respond to this message by continuing in this vein. AdminPD Edited by AdminPD, : Warning
frako Member Posts: 2932 From: slovenija Joined: |
and it's important to remember this. prophecy is meaningless outside of its historical context: the people it was given to. and reading that makes it nonsense to the person listening to the prophet speak is nonsense itself. And still one would have to define prophecy, one day a city will fall to the ground by an erthquake is not a prophecy to vague and can be fitted anywhere. A true prohecy should be like the one by that woman last month where she said that the 3d world ware would start in november 2010, she still could be right even though the month has passed if the ware starts in korea some time soon the actual start would be in november 2010 when they bombed that island. The prophecy is relativly straight forward, not vague, it gives a time line, and the event. Most of the biblical prophecies lack most or all of those things. Like the prophecies of nostradamus they are all so vague on the event, and time you can fit them anywhere. What is it with those old prophets. Could they not lift a newspaper or describe things better. if i where a bronze age person i would make a prophecy like this. I have been given a vision by the lord for the end of time, it will take place fare in to the future, horsless chariots shall rome the streats, and metal birds will fly trough the sky, at night the streets will be lit by the lords own light traped in a glowing box, and then the mettal birds will turn on man droping eggs containing gods wrath the fire that will come from them will burn cities to the ground and bilnd anyone that looks uppon the flame, the fire will rise to the hight of the tallest mountins. When the fires will die down and the ashes fall to rest only the loliest creatures will survive the bugs, cocroaches and the like will infest the erth as food for the evil satan. That is a prophecy a bronze age man cannot look at the newspaper and see the date but he can offer a bit of a description of the time and what will happen.
frako Member Posts: 2932 From: slovenija Joined: |
now, i don't have the exact dates for you, but ahaz stopped ruling around 715 BCE, and the assyrian exile of israel happened roughly 720-ish BCE, during his reign. so that's probably close enough to be reasonably accurate. And for this prophecy to be a true prophecy it would also haveto be written before the events took place. Actual evidence from someplace else then the bible say a letter or something mentioning the prophecy dating before the events.
does this prophecy have anything to do with jesus? no, most assuredly not. and i hope the reason why is now completely obvious: it completely breaks the clock on the prophecy. having a sign that occurs 700 years after the prophecy is foretells makes no sense. That is one big problem as we have seen with other prophecies mentioned people ignore some statments in the prophecy so they can "stick it" where they want it to fit. Edited by frako, : No reason given.
frako Member Posts: 2932 From: slovenija Joined: |
well, yes, but now we're shifting goal posts. isaiah was almost certainly written after the assyrian exile. however, nearest i can tell, this represents most of biblical prophecy: given a time-frame, but already "fulfilled" by the time the book was written, or internally fulfilled as part of the story. So all those prophecies would have to be cut from the list of furfilled prophecies in the bible. If not i can prophecise that A german will be borne around 1900 that will shake the world with his army. I must be a prophet if you look at the history Hitler fits the prophecy.
frako Member Posts: 2932 From: slovenija Joined: |
You have one verse read by a hundred people, you'll get a hundred different interpretations. If the Bible was so immutable, why should there be this many interpretations and versions? Why do you think the first bibles where only in latin and only the priests could interpret them because they could say yust about anything and get their support from the bible. The curch wants taxses well look at what Jesus said give to the emerror what is his and to god what is his. The curch wants some land that looks nice, well lets take a look what the bible says about witches lets make them confess and take their land, there is no mention in the bible that one cannot do the same to a corpse of someone who hase a good piece of realestate. And the same goes for all in the same family as the bible. The Quoran is basicly the same as the bible both in the storries and in its use. On one hand you have the fundies who think that blowing themselves up and killing some infidels at the same time will get them straight before alla and he will give them 72 virgins. The others think that if your body is mutulated you can never see Allah, and if you do die in battle with infidels you will get 72 Grape vines from Allah. The third kind tihinks all kiling is bad infidel or no infidel ware or no ware. And all 3 read the same book, same print.... And moste know the book by hart every story every line.So how can you expect the ch bible to be interpreted the same when most ch never read it from cover to cover and only look for anwsers in a specific line ignoring the context.
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