Given that the theory of evolution provided a very scientifically evidenced and very scientifically authoritative reason to dismiss God as an explanation for the existence of life and humanity, it seems very probable that the theory of evolution increased the actual percentage of atheists rather than just bring them out of the closet.
Well I agree with you. It certainly had an effect on my theism.
While I was maturing, one of the last strongholds for needing a religious explanation was the whole "Missing Link" deal. Just how the hell
did humans come about was a great gap for god to fit in.
Once that gap was closed, atheism was easier to embrace.
For the record, I'm not an atheist anymore.
As far as the topic goes, From the OP:
And that is why rhetoric matters.
I think you made a good case why rhetoric matters and I couldn't find much to disagree with in the OP. I was interesting though, so thanks for posting it.
I'm not sure where the discussion should go... I guess if you have any questions then fire away!
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