You wrote this, correct?? It needs some editing, spaces between words in many places.
Thisisaschematicdivision. Infactaninterexchangebetweenthemhappensalltime.
Inhumansknowledgerepresentsthemostsignificantaspectoflife. Inhigherorganismitplaysanimportantrolealso. Butthroughempathyplaysequallyimportantroleinloweranimalstoo. Isitlogicaltoexcludethissorichandwidespreadfunctionfromtheprocessofevolutionandthusoflife? Thisdoesnotseemtobeinaccordtonature�seconomylaw. IbelievethiswastheresultofDarwinians dogmatic beliefthatknowledgehasnoanywhatsoeverseriouseffectonevolutionprocess.
You might want to make it clear you are providing a link to something you wrote, just so people wont think less of you for not being forthright. JMO
"No sympathy for the devil; keep that in mind. Buy the ticket, take the ride...and if it occasionally gets a little heavier than what you had in mind, well...maybe chalk it off to forced conscious expansion: Tune in, freak out, get beaten."
Hunter S. Thompson
Ad astra per aspera
Nihil curo de ista tua stulta superstitione.