The scientific method is not intended to replace the need for logical inference, only to establish a basis of objectivity for logical inference. All it does is try to limit variables to uncover certain laws, principles, or "truths". Science though, is only a tool not an explanation. It does not explain away a need for a Creator, or explain anything by itself. Nor does it do all the work for you. A scientist, or layperson using science still has to put it all together, make inferences, draw conclusions, rationalize and think. Like other tools, science is rather useless if you do not know how to use it. Science, at its best, is a very useful tool to help us to peer into, or uncover (to an extent) the Creator's handiwork, and his established laws. Through science, little by little, we discern underlying principles and laws which we reason on for beneficial (sometimes not, lol) application in our own designs. This is the beauty of science. But the laws we discover do nothing to diminish the reality of the eternal whole, the Lawmaker, the eternal Creator (Who existed "before" the Big Bang or the "beginning"). Even though science may have difficulty empirically identifying the Creator, the reasoning minds we have been endowed with are able to penetrate it's barriers.
But... it put a man on the freakin' moon!
When's the last time a logical deduction pointing to a creator ever did anything?