marc9000 writes:
So Nancy Pelosi, Barney Frank, Chuck Schumer, and Obama are all conservatives? If you told them that, do you think they'd agree? Sorry, but words have meanings - to effectively communicate they have to be used in ways that society generally accepts them.
well, maybe not barney frank. but the rest of 'em, yes.
do have meanings. the united states of america does not have a true liberal party -- one that advocate progressive politics and liberty. instead, they have a conservative party, the democrats, that are now essentially advocating reagan-era conservative policies, compromise, and maintaining status-quo as much a possible. on the other hand, we also have a
regressive party that is still battling on about issues they were actually on the other side of in 1860, and advocating policies that are essentially fascist: merging of state an corporate powers.
it is a sad state of affairs that our "liberals" are actually conservatives, and our "conservatives" are just crazy.