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Author Topic:   How Does Republican Platform Help Middle Class?
Member (Idle past 1128 days)
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Message 11 of 440 (610279)
03-28-2011 11:14 PM
Reply to: Message 10 by Taq
03-28-2011 11:07 PM

What baffles me is why the lower and middle class would vote Republican when their policies seem so detrimental to the lower and middle class.
I think it was the Micheal Moore flick "Capitalism, A Love Story" that addressed this. It is seemingly because of the "american dream". Everyone has the notion that if they work hard enough, they too can have it all, thanks to this wonderful thing we call capitalism. So when they DO finally become the rich fuck of their dreams, Uncle Sam will be good to them. The only thing is: the american dream is a sham. If you weren't born on Wall Street, you don't get to Wall Street.
Edited by hooah212002, : No reason given.

"What can be asserted without proof, can be dismissed without proof."-Hitch.

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 Message 13 by Taq, posted 03-28-2011 11:27 PM hooah212002 has replied

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Message 18 of 440 (610286)
03-28-2011 11:38 PM
Reply to: Message 13 by Taq
03-28-2011 11:27 PM

As much as I appreciate the spotlight that Moore can shine on issues that need attention I just wish it wasn't Moore. His movies are like a fleck of gold in a mound of dog shit.
Agreed. I actually just watched it, so it was fresh in my mind. Throughout most of the movie, I was thinking to myself "ok, good/great point Micheal, but why oh why are you being such an imbecile about making said point?"
but how does this help middle class Americans?
It doesn't, but socialist nazi communists are fucking scary, man. That's what Democrats are.
Jokes aside, it doesn't really appear as though they actually have any promises that are for the lower/middle class. Take Scott Walker for example. He promised jobs. What he didn't say was that he was going to destroy jobs first in order to make room for those jobs.
Also, IMO, the Dems are seen (by "working class", middle, I mean, middle america) as the elite snobs. Republicans are seen as wholesome good ole boys with good christian values. You also have to take into consideration the idea that most have: "it's my money, I worked hard for it, keep your gub'ment hands off it".

"What can be asserted without proof, can be dismissed without proof."-Hitch.

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Message 21 of 440 (610289)
03-28-2011 11:44 PM
Reply to: Message 15 by Coyote
03-28-2011 11:34 PM

Re: Socialism?
Socialists generally want to get all the golden eggs, often by force, and that simply doesn't work.
So let me get this straight: if you're not a republican, you're a socialist communist.
You just got finished watching Glenn Beck, didn't you?
Godwins Law in 3....2.....1......

"What can be asserted without proof, can be dismissed without proof."-Hitch.

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 Message 15 by Coyote, posted 03-28-2011 11:34 PM Coyote has not replied

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Message 28 of 440 (610297)
03-28-2011 11:59 PM
Reply to: Message 23 by Coyote
03-28-2011 11:46 PM

Re: Socialism?
What do you want, the nanny state to care for you, cradle to grave?
Nanny State? Oh, like how all the banks were bailed out, free market be damned, right? THAT nanny state? Where's MY bailout when I bankrupt MY company. Where's MY multi-million dollar bonus when I destroy the country? THAT nanny state?

"What can be asserted without proof, can be dismissed without proof."-Hitch.

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Message 38 of 440 (610310)
03-29-2011 12:47 AM
Reply to: Message 31 by Coyote
03-29-2011 12:14 AM

Re: Socialism?
Oh, you mean the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977? Sure, a Dem signed it into law, but we've had how many Republicans in office since who could have repealed it???? Of course they wouldn't. The fuckin thing made the banks rich. What's better for the banks to get someone into a loan, knowing the person can't afford it, then they can turn around and foreclose and sell the house again. Win/win for the bank, I say.
However, according to those who caught the most heat during the financial meltdown, the CRA had zip to do with it.
Perhaps you are speaking about a different piece of legislation?

"What can be asserted without proof, can be dismissed without proof."-Hitch.

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Message 64 of 440 (610520)
03-30-2011 3:58 PM
Reply to: Message 61 by Rahvin
03-30-2011 1:35 PM

Re: What is it Good For...?
At least insurers can no longer deny coverage for pre-existing conditions. That will save lives - if I hadn't been able to put her on my insurance as a domestic partner, it would have saved my girlfriend's life.
Yes they can: for at least another year. My ex-gf looked into getting off of BadgerCare (WI state health care) and was told by numerous insurance companies that she was too overweight to get a policy. She, having voted for Obama, knew about the health care legislation. She was reminded repeatedly that it doesn't wholly take effect until 2012. However, I have read *some* stories about people who normally wouldn't qualify for pre-existing conditions who were able to get coverage.
Edited by hooah212002, : spelling

"What can be asserted without proof, can be dismissed without proof."-Hitch.

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 Message 61 by Rahvin, posted 03-30-2011 1:35 PM Rahvin has not replied

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Message 69 of 440 (610535)
03-30-2011 9:54 PM
Reply to: Message 65 by Jon
03-30-2011 7:43 PM

Re: Proactive Health Care
a truly universal health care program mustn't simply be a reactive institution, where problems are only treated after they've developed;
If I read this right (correct me if I'm headed in the wrong direction), this is, IMO, one of the single greatest factors of going to universal health care. Individuals will be able to get their pre-emptive care in a regular facility instead of flooding the emergency room because they or their children are sick and they have no insurance because they can't afford it. Yes, I myself have had to take my son to the emergency room because of the fucking flu! (it was persistent and with fever. Small children and high fevers do NOT mix) due to the fact that I had no insurance. Guess what the ER doc told me: "I'm not a damn pediatrician, take him to your PCP tomorrow. Here's some tylenol".

"What can be asserted without proof, can be dismissed without proof."-Hitch.

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 Message 65 by Jon, posted 03-30-2011 7:43 PM Jon has replied

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 Message 70 by bluescat48, posted 03-31-2011 8:19 AM hooah212002 has seen this message but not replied
 Message 71 by Phage0070, posted 03-31-2011 9:30 AM hooah212002 has replied
 Message 79 by Jon, posted 03-31-2011 12:08 PM hooah212002 has seen this message but not replied

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Message 72 of 440 (610545)
03-31-2011 9:43 AM
Reply to: Message 71 by Phage0070
03-31-2011 9:30 AM

Re: Proactive Health Care
There are some people out there who truly can't afford healthcare insurance but you are not one of them.
I'm glad you know my situation so well. I'm glad you know what kind of money I was making and how much insurance premiums would have cost me. You know so much about me that it's borderline creepy.
At the time, I was the sole bread winner supporting my girlfriend and 3 kids, paying 2 car payments, rent utilities, etc. Have you ever priced insurance premiums in WI? Likely not. Otherwise you wouldn't have made such a harsh generalization.
In other words, you *could* afford healthcare insurance except....
Except that I couldn't. Or if I could, we wouldn't eat or be able to clothe our children. Or have to walk the 50 miles it was to work.
Instead you think that you should be able to use a public service paid for in great part by taxpayers as a substitute; you want those insurance premiums that you dubbed "too expensive" to be paid for by other people who don't have a choice in the matter.
Because I'm not a taxpayer, right?
Your response is what is disgusting.

"What can be asserted without proof, can be dismissed without proof."-Hitch.

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 Message 73 by Phage0070, posted 03-31-2011 9:50 AM hooah212002 has replied

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Message 86 of 440 (610565)
03-31-2011 12:32 PM
Reply to: Message 84 by Phage0070
03-31-2011 12:17 PM

Re: Proactive Health Care
He *could* afford healthcare insurance he just didn't want to.
And I said: how the fuck do you know what I can afford? Just because YOU can afford it doesn't mean everyone else can.

"What can be asserted without proof, can be dismissed without proof."-Hitch.

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 Message 84 by Phage0070, posted 03-31-2011 12:17 PM Phage0070 has replied

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 Message 90 by Phage0070, posted 03-31-2011 12:37 PM hooah212002 has replied

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Message 89 of 440 (610568)
03-31-2011 12:35 PM
Reply to: Message 81 by Phage0070
03-31-2011 12:12 PM

Re: Proactive Health Care
A more appropriate analogy involving the school system would be someone demanding a college degree for free, because they "can't afford" to pay college tuition like everyone else.
So, access to health care is a privilege. Gotcha. Good ole amurrica. If you can't afford what I can: fuck you. If you can't get a decent job: fuck you. I got mines, you get yours, fuck you.

"What can be asserted without proof, can be dismissed without proof."-Hitch.

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 Message 81 by Phage0070, posted 03-31-2011 12:12 PM Phage0070 has replied

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 Message 91 by Phage0070, posted 03-31-2011 12:39 PM hooah212002 has replied

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Message 96 of 440 (610576)
03-31-2011 12:47 PM
Reply to: Message 90 by Phage0070
03-31-2011 12:37 PM

Re: Proactive Health Care
Oh right. Lay-offs don't happen to privileged, pompous fucks like you, right? Get the fucking silver spoon out of your hoity toity mouth. You obviously have your own version of what my situation is so I'm not going to bore you with facts that you aren't interested in.
Edited by hooah212002, : No reason given.

"What can be asserted without proof, can be dismissed without proof."-Hitch.

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 Message 90 by Phage0070, posted 03-31-2011 12:37 PM Phage0070 has not replied

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Message 100 of 440 (610581)
03-31-2011 1:22 PM
Reply to: Message 73 by Phage0070
03-31-2011 9:50 AM

Re: Proactive Health Care
And why exactly did you have 2 car payments?
Oh, right. Let me leave my girlfriend at home to take care of the kids without a way to transport them anywhere while I work 16 hours a day. Let me force her to stay at home by getting rid of the vehicle she brought into the relationship. Or, you could have bought the car that I brought into the relationship so I could take her car. Good idea.
Why didn't you carpool together?
With whom do you propose I carpool with? Oh, right. Now you know my co-workers too? You know for certain that I live next door to everyone I work with.

"What can be asserted without proof, can be dismissed without proof."-Hitch.

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 Message 73 by Phage0070, posted 03-31-2011 9:50 AM Phage0070 has not replied

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Message 102 of 440 (610583)
03-31-2011 1:28 PM
Reply to: Message 91 by Phage0070
03-31-2011 12:39 PM

Re: Proactive Health Care
Welcome to a reality of limited resources.
They are only limited for the greater good of the US public. They are unlimited, however, when it comes to bombing the fuck out of some brown guys, or letting GE skate free when it comes to tax time, or when we give 700 billion dollars to companies that destroy our country. Amurrica, Fuck Yea! Land of the rich and fuck yous!

"What can be asserted without proof, can be dismissed without proof."-Hitch.

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 Message 91 by Phage0070, posted 03-31-2011 12:39 PM Phage0070 has not replied

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Message 104 of 440 (610586)
03-31-2011 1:33 PM
Reply to: Message 78 by Phage0070
03-31-2011 12:07 PM

Re: Proactive Health Care
or do you not realize that people who can't afford to buy health insurance now aren't going to be able to afford paying taxes which substitute for health insurance?
Gotta put on my right wing thinking cap for this one. ..
So, if I can't afford health insurance, I don't pay enough in taxes. Conversely (using conservative cognition), if I CAN afford health insurance, I pay too much in taxes. Sound about right?

"What can be asserted without proof, can be dismissed without proof."-Hitch.

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 Message 78 by Phage0070, posted 03-31-2011 12:07 PM Phage0070 has not replied

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Posts: 3193
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Message 108 of 440 (610593)
03-31-2011 2:14 PM
Reply to: Message 1 by Taq
03-28-2011 8:56 PM

I think we need to recruit a few more right wingers here to EvC. These two need assistance from the barrage of us socialist commies.
Just to add a little more substance to this otherwise substance-less post, IMO your average republican voting american does so on the basis of the party's promise to keep taxes low and the government out of their life, and not much else. All the while spreading disinformation about "the other guys". This is spread by shouting louder than the other team and shutting down opposing views (NPR, anyone?). It's just that so many only see one side and believe what they see on their favorite news channel. Granted, none of this actually tells us why we, as knowledgeable individuals who do NOT succumb to the bullshit, should vote that way. But then again, free-thinkers are an unwelcome bunch on the right.

"What can be asserted without proof, can be dismissed without proof."-Hitch.

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 Message 109 by Theodoric, posted 03-31-2011 2:28 PM hooah212002 has seen this message but not replied
 Message 110 by Dr Adequate, posted 03-31-2011 2:38 PM hooah212002 has seen this message but not replied
 Message 118 by Taq, posted 03-31-2011 3:06 PM hooah212002 has replied
 Message 154 by marc9000, posted 04-03-2011 5:46 PM hooah212002 has replied

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