Rahvin writes:
So far there has been only one example of how the Republican platform will help the middle class. By lowering taxes for the rich and doing away with social programs those of us in the middle class don't have to listen to the rich complain about taxes.
Are there any other benefits that can be cited?
Only if you completely change your own internal goals and priorities.
What I find particularly disappointing is how little the
Democrat platform actually seeks to help the middle class. They're definitely better than the Republicans, don't get me wrong, but neither party seems to be overly interested by the fact the General Electric this year will pay a total tax of $0, or the fact that a removal of the cap on Social Security taxes would immediately make SS solvent for the foreseeable future, etc. Nobody wants to talk about cutting Defense spending so that we don;t have to let our own citizens die of starvation or from lack of medical care. It's all "raise taxes" and "cut programs," but almost always looking at the wrong taxes and the wrong programs.
I do not think either party represents me very well. I have often thought we need more options than these 2 parties offer, and not a tea party, those guys are morons.
Maybe it would be a good topic to discuss elsewhere.
"I hate to advocate the use of drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone, but they always worked for me." - Hunter S. Thompson