With all do respect, I don't see much point going on here.
Sorry to disappoint. I'll know that its totally pointless when you stop replying
To me, this borders on the incredible. That it would be so difficult to figure out what I am seeking here...
I think we all understand
what you are seeking, we're just telling you that you're wasting your time looking for it.
A part of me wants to think you are winding me up. But I don't think you are.
Oh, you'll know when I'm winding you up

(smileys are a hint)
Which means I appreciate your sincerity, but find this a meaningless exercise.
I figured that from the OP.
Who would have thought it would be so difficult to seek out people who hold to two very specific characteristics, and ask them how they hold such characteristics together in light of perceived waste.
Had you found those people, what did you expect to discuss with them? I can make whatever assumptions and discus this with you, but it'd help to know what direction you want to go in. As I said earlier:
The escape from the contradiction is that either god is not omni-benevolent or that said things are not really evil.
Are you just wanting to explore the explanations for why an exceedingly wasteful plan would not be evil?
I understand the premises, so what do you want to discuss?
As a serious concluding question, is this sort of discussion representative of what takes place here on EVCForum?
Yes and no. Its so diverse there's not gonna be one representative. But the approach we've taken to this is standard for what we were replying to. Just look around. Do you ever use google sitesearch? Put in some key words or topics you like and see what we've been on about. People here will discuss
ANYTHING. They also take it fairly seriously and mostly are honest about it.
This place *is* awesome, though. The quality of the posters is only surpassed by the quality of the software. The owner of the site is also the software developer (its unique to this site), and whenever I try a different discussion board, I'm always dissappointed with the software. Sometimes it sucks to be spoiled. We have a lot of good experts to learn from, from archaeologist to cosmologists and from pastors to wacko religious nutjobs, so it can definately be worth your time. But you reap what you sow. You gotta give us somethign to work with. Your OP is just too limited. You're not gonna find people who fit, and there isn't enough info on what you want to discuss for others to assume the premises and follow the direction.