Who I want to hear from are those people who hold to both the reality of evolution, and benevolence of God.
Well, I cannot necessarily speak for those people; however, I do believe in GOD, and I am an empiricist and so far have seen every reason to know for myself that the theory of evolution is currently the most convincing explanation for the diversity of life on Earth. I also believe that GOD is the creator of all that is, seen and unseen (I think that's how the Christians word it, anyway).
That said, perhaps you'll still find some value in my take on the matter, so here it goes: I do not believe in an absolute moralityI believe that morality is a human construct. I do not think animals hold morals, or that rocks hold morals, or that trees hold morals; what I see is that the only critters who hold to these things called 'morals' are humans. Our moral judgements and pronouncements are only relevant to ourselves. All the evidence indicates that they have meaning to no other creature other than us. So, we may decide GOD is bad, and if we believe GOD is bad, then so be itif GOD exists, then GOD exists; if evolution is true, then evolution is true. If we believe GOD is good, then so be itif GOD exists, then GOD exists; if evolution is true, then evolution is true.
GOD cannot be either good or bad if for GOD neither good nor bad exist. Even if good and bad exist for GOD, then GOD's set of morals are only relevant to GOD (no matter whom else they may affect), and it is likely that GOD does things that GOD mostly sees as good so that GOD is likely convinced of HIS own benevolence. If GOD mostly does things that we believe are good, then that is some reason to support GOD; if GOD mostly does things that we believe are bad, then that is reason to oppose GOD. But none of that will change the fact that GOD still believes HERSELF to be benevolent. And, above and beyond all else, no matter how good or bad we perceive the world or how good or bad we perceive GOD, if GOD exists, GOD exists, and if the world is, then the world is.
All the philosophers both dead and alive cannot, even collectively, think the existent out of existence.
Love your enemies!