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Junior Member (Idle past 4516 days) Posts: 11 From: United Kingdom Joined: |
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Author | Topic: Creation/Evolution Reply ! | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Coyote Member (Idle past 2431 days) Posts: 6117 Joined: |
When I log in I get the message "This board has no forums."
When I log out I can read the forums. When I log back in--nothing. Pretty silly, eh?
Coyote Member (Idle past 2431 days) Posts: 6117 Joined: |
Jon writes:
I can log in and not see any forums, or Folk seem to be having a lot of technical trouble using your forum... I am not sure where Coyote is having problems. I can log out and see the forums, but not post. That is not a very good website design, but it sure stifles dissent! Hmmmmm...
Coyote Member (Idle past 2431 days) Posts: 6117 Joined: |
I have never seen an ad.
We must be using different browsers: I use Firefox.
Coyote Member (Idle past 2431 days) Posts: 6117 Joined: |
Coyote - i apologize that you cant seem to access the forum, im not sure what the problem is as to why it wont show up, but im working on trying to sort the issue out Here's what it does. This morning I perused the Radiocarbon et al. thread. I wanted to straighten you out a bit on that subject, so I hit reply. I was taken to the log in page, and logged in. When I hit the "Return to previous page" link it told me I could not read that forum. Pretty silly. By the way, you know nothing about radiocarbon dating, while I have been using that technique for over 30 years. I'd love to disabuse you of your silly notions if I could ever post to your threads. Religious belief does not constitute scientific evidence, nor does it convey scientific knowledge.
Coyote Member (Idle past 2431 days) Posts: 6117 Joined: |
I use Firefox.
Coyote Member (Idle past 2431 days) Posts: 6117 Joined: |
I have the same problem in Safari.
As soon as I log in the forums all disappear.
Coyote Member (Idle past 2431 days) Posts: 6117 Joined: |
I'm on a year-old Mac with the latest operating system upgrades.
Maybe it is a Mac problem?
Coyote Member (Idle past 2431 days) Posts: 6117 Joined: |
I have trashed cookies and restarted but nothing has improved.
I can read forums until I log in, then I get "This board has no forums." Got to be a permissions thing somehow if everyone else can get through.
Coyote Member (Idle past 2431 days) Posts: 6117 Joined: |
On that newbie forum:
"Crazynutsx" writes:
Before you go parroting the standard creationist mistakes, you should research them a bit. Can't hurt, now can it? Maybe it would help you not to pass on erroneous postings, or outright lies, eh? ok i go back to my claim that radiometric dating only works using assumptions that could be wrong ? i dont know if they are but they could be which would mean the dates obatained would be very wrong You say that you don't know if the assumptions used are wrong. Here is some information. The bit about radiometric dating being inaccurate because it is based on assumptions is a standard creationist lie. They are assuming that "assumptions" = "wrong guesses." (Funny, how they see their assumptions as being correct but those of scientists being wrong.) Unfortunately, they are lying to you. If you want to discuss specific assumptions underlying radiocarbon dating please find one of the threads on this forum dedicated to radiocarbon dating and have at it. I have done a lot of radiocarbon dating over the past 30 years, and have studied the practical applications and potential problems of that method (I summarized these in a peer-reviewed monograph not too long ago). Others on this forum are experts in the technical aspects of the method. Between us we can help you to better understand both the method and the "assumptions" upon which it is based. But you are cautioned not to rely on creationist websites for your background information. They will lie to you! And from my views of your new website, you are more than happy to pass those lies on as fact. Not a good choice. So, since I can't post to your site please find a radiocarbon thread here and we can continue this discussion. Hey, maybe you can learn something that homeschooling didn't get around to mentioning. Religious belief does not constitute scientific evidence, nor does it convey scientific knowledge.
Coyote Member (Idle past 2431 days) Posts: 6117 Joined: |
Scienctifictruths writes:
I have no idea how to do that. It's probably an IP related issue, try relaying a False IP, the website could be blocking your actual one. I am an appliance operator. If it doesn't work, I just give up.
Coyote Member (Idle past 2431 days) Posts: 6117 Joined: |
Just tried that. It says my email address is already in use.
That board is stoooopid!
Coyote Member (Idle past 2431 days) Posts: 6117 Joined: |
Thanks, but I don't think I'm going to bother any more.
It's not worth it. He can come over here and we'll show him the error of his ways quickly enough.
Coyote Member (Idle past 2431 days) Posts: 6117 Joined: |
That didn't work, but thanks for trying.
Coyote Member (Idle past 2431 days) Posts: 6117 Joined: |
OK, I clicked on the link you provided and went to the site.
When I clicked "Board Index" I could see a lot of different forums. I logged in and clicked on "Board Index." I got the message "This board has no forums." What works when I am a guest doesn't work when I log in. I think it is hopeless, but thanks for trying.
Coyote Member (Idle past 2431 days) Posts: 6117 Joined: |
Thanks for the offer.
Maybe he's afraid of me over there and juggled the permissions around, eh? I could tell him far more about Carbon-14 dating than he'd ever want to know! Religious belief does not constitute scientific evidence, nor does it convey scientific knowledge.
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