Who knows if having 44 wasn't very common in the past?
Nope verry common was having 48 chromosomes just like our ape cousins have today, then 2 fused together in one of our ancestors and we share that trait so we have 46 chromosomes now the same thing happened to this guy so he has 44 chromosomes.
It certainly means its irrelevant.
Actually its speciation in action if he manages to create a line or a population with 44 chromosomes that cannot breed with us normal humans then technically they become a noter species of human.
Chromosomes are over rated.
Umm you do know what chromosomes are right just in case
A chromosome is an organized structure of DNA and protein found in cells. It is a single piece of coiled DNA containing many genes, regulatory elements and other nucleotide sequences. Chromosomes also contain DNA-bound proteins, which serve to package the DNA and control its functions.
Chromosome - Wikipedia
It doesn't make any difference.
genetics is not a trail of heritage but only shows like features equals like atomic scorecard.
So you are saying you cannot have your child tested geneticly to see if it is actually yours and not the postman's ?? The same goes for your grand child your grate grand child your grate grate grandchild .......... homo erectus
Father to son is just a special case.
What about grandfather and grandson??? Grate grandfather and grandson??? .....
In fact if the 44 man had only been found in some ancient deposit or cave they probably would of insisted it showed evolution of a previous stage of mankind.
Well if he had ben dated to be old as in at least a few 10 thousand years then he would have been a cousin of humans (homo sapiens) , not a direct line to us.
Whew! That was close!
You reall'y should get an education
Edited by frako, : No reason given.