The real problem is that it's both.
On the one hand, by injecting their religion into the government, Christians have succeeded in reducing their precious religion to meaningless symbols, just as they were warned would happen. Attempts to restore the Pledge of Allegiance, the National Motto, and the appearance of our currency are stymied by the court decisions that all that religious verbiage is actually not religious at all, but rather symbols that have been rendered non-religious by their repeated public use.
On the other hand, Christian yahoos (ie, the ones working to increase the imposition of their religion onto the rest society culminating, they hope and pray, in the Christian take-over of the government and of society) repeatedly point to those "meaningless non-religious public symbols" as proof that the USA used to be a Christian state.
To the first we can say, "Whatever." To the second, we say, "Hell no!"