If you mean the Hebrew bible, yes this is a late comer in the ancient world. However, I find it mysterious that Genesis depicts the history of modern man [speech endowed kind] with remarkable credibility. There is no other document which lists names, dates, places and events dating 5000 to 6000 years which matches Genesis. I know of no name, nation, city, king, monument, etc - older than that depicted in Genesis - there is no history beyond 6000.
Beyond about 6,000 years ago you enter the realm of prehistory and that is defined as before-written history.
But there is a lot of history prior to that date. It is the job of archaeologists to read that history, and we do it quite well.
And if you include paleontology we go back millions of years with human ancestors.
As far as "remarkable credibility" -- for that you have to ignore whoppers like talking snakes and global floods and the tower of Babel.
Religious belief does not constitute scientific evidence, nor does it convey scientific knowledge.