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Author Topic:   "If I descended from an ape, how come apes are still here?"
Posts: 9489
From: Northwest, WI, USA
Joined: 08-15-2005

Message 114 of 286 (651524)
02-07-2012 8:47 PM
Reply to: Message 113 by amp1022
02-07-2012 8:30 PM

Well thanks for letting me know that THE THEORY OF EVOLUTION (as you put it) is a proven FACT... the theory is a fact. Got it.
Before you spout crap you should probably have a basic idea of what you are talking about.
I would suggest that you look up what a scientific theory is but we both know you wont so I will post a link and a definition for you.
Theory: A theory is what one or more hypotheses become once they have been verified and accepted to be true. A theory is an explanation of a set of related observations or events based upon proven hypotheses and verified multiple times by detached groups of researchers.
A scientific theory is not an educated guess that is a different definition of theory.
A scientific theory is the first definition here. You are
equivocating it with the second definition.
a coherent group of tested general propositions, commonly regarded as correct, that can be used as principles of explanation and prediction for a class of phenomena: Einstein's theory of relativity. Synonyms: principle, law, doctrine.
a proposed explanation whose status is still conjectural and subject to experimentation, in contrast to well-established propositions that are regarded as reporting matters of actual fact. Synonyms: idea, notion hypothesis, postulate. Antonyms: practice, verification, corroboration, substantiation.
You can look up the term equivocation yourself if you do not know what it means.
If you want to discuss Evolution intelligently learn the correct meaning of words. Until then maybe you should not bother posting crap like this.

Facts don't lie or have an agenda. Facts are just facts

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 Message 113 by amp1022, posted 02-07-2012 8:30 PM amp1022 has not replied

Posts: 9489
From: Northwest, WI, USA
Joined: 08-15-2005

Message 118 of 286 (651529)
02-07-2012 9:54 PM
Reply to: Message 113 by amp1022
02-07-2012 8:30 PM

Illiterate defined
ILLITERATE? Ummmm.... do you know what that word means?
Yes he does. You are showing the inability to understand that words can have multiple meanings.
Again back to the dictionary.
unable to read and write: an illiterate group.
having or demonstrating very little or no education.
showing lack of culture, especially in language and literature.
displaying a marked lack of knowledge in a particular field: He is musically illiterate.
You see he was using 4. There are other definitions of the word than 1.

Facts don't lie or have an agenda. Facts are just facts

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 Message 113 by amp1022, posted 02-07-2012 8:30 PM amp1022 has not replied

Posts: 9489
From: Northwest, WI, USA
Joined: 08-15-2005

Message 143 of 286 (652083)
02-12-2012 10:11 AM
Reply to: Message 141 by Percy
02-12-2012 8:28 AM

Re: Story time...
Disappointing, Chuck. Very disappointing to witness your decline from promising new member into fantasy and irrationality
I never did see any of the promise you did. I don't think many of us did. Perhaps it was wishful thinking on your part that there may exist a rational creationist.

Facts don't lie or have an agenda. Facts are just facts

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 Message 141 by Percy, posted 02-12-2012 8:28 AM Percy has seen this message but not replied

Posts: 9489
From: Northwest, WI, USA
Joined: 08-15-2005

Message 167 of 286 (656581)
03-20-2012 10:10 AM
Reply to: Message 166 by Big_Al35
03-20-2012 8:29 AM

If you were to extrapolate that difference to people who could potentially live till they were 800 years old what might you see? I am not suggesting that anyone could live 800 years but you never know what happened in the past right?
Biologically 800 years old is ridiculous and yes we do know what happened in the past. Please provide some sort of(any) support for any being living 800 years. Animal not plant.
Mel Brooks is not evidence.
Even if people could live to 800 years why do you think there would be some sort of skeletal difference? Please discuss the differences you would see.
If you took the fossil of a 19 year old man and compared it with the fossil of a 60 year old man what differences would you see?
What do you think we would see? Do you think they would be as different as a fossil of ergaster is from sapiens? Please describe the differences you perceive.
Edited by Theodoric, : No reason given.

Facts don't lie or have an agenda. Facts are just facts

This message is a reply to:
 Message 166 by Big_Al35, posted 03-20-2012 8:29 AM Big_Al35 has not replied

Posts: 9489
From: Northwest, WI, USA
Joined: 08-15-2005

Message 186 of 286 (656829)
03-22-2012 11:16 AM
Reply to: Message 177 by Big_Al35
03-22-2012 8:10 AM

Re: on shared (synapomorphies) and derived (apomorphies) features
Are you freaking serious?
Time for Inigo again.
From your "source"
I didn't quite catch the name of the woman or the village she lives in - but it should surely be up in the news by tomorrow
Guess it never made the news as there is nothing else out there.
As the oldest person ever only lived to 122 there are lots problems with this "source".
You can find support for just about any argument on the internet. The key is to verify and find support for those sources.

Facts don't lie or have an agenda. Facts are just facts

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 Message 177 by Big_Al35, posted 03-22-2012 8:10 AM Big_Al35 has replied

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 Message 189 by Big_Al35, posted 03-22-2012 12:10 PM Theodoric has replied

Posts: 9489
From: Northwest, WI, USA
Joined: 08-15-2005

Message 191 of 286 (656849)
03-22-2012 2:13 PM
Reply to: Message 189 by Big_Al35
03-22-2012 12:10 PM

Re: on shared (synapomorphies) and derived (apomorphies) features
Big_A writes:
Theodoric writes:
As the oldest person ever only lived to 122
I don't think even you believe that! Lol.
Why would I not believe this? I find this comment by you to be absolutely stunning that you feel i should believe something else. I have seen no EVIDENCE to believe anything else. Anecdotes are not evidence. If you have other evidence please provide it. Don't waste my time with internet stories. If there is other evidence I will certainly look at it and make a determination as to whether to evidence is compelling or not.
How old do you believe the oldest person has lived to?

Facts don't lie or have an agenda. Facts are just facts

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 Message 189 by Big_Al35, posted 03-22-2012 12:10 PM Big_Al35 has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 193 by Big_Al35, posted 03-22-2012 5:40 PM Theodoric has replied

Posts: 9489
From: Northwest, WI, USA
Joined: 08-15-2005

Message 194 of 286 (656880)
03-22-2012 7:09 PM
Reply to: Message 193 by Big_Al35
03-22-2012 5:40 PM

Re: on shared (synapomorphies) and derived (apomorphies) features
Not just Guinness.
Sources show they have investigated individuals who have potentially been much older. Often people are denied entry simply due to inadequate paperwork. This can occur for many reasons and doesn't necessarily have anything to do with fraud.
If it can't be verified it don't mean shit. Show me people you have evidence for that were older. You see the follow the scientific method and require evidence.
How old do you believe the oldest person has lived to?

Facts don't lie or have an agenda. Facts are just facts

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 Message 193 by Big_Al35, posted 03-22-2012 5:40 PM Big_Al35 has not replied

Posts: 9489
From: Northwest, WI, USA
Joined: 08-15-2005

Message 253 of 286 (657369)
03-27-2012 6:28 PM
Reply to: Message 250 by Big_Al35
03-27-2012 4:13 PM

Re: Let's talk about Al
BigA writes:
Nuggin writes:
I'll simply ask you two questions:
#1) What do you feel is the best explanation for the fossils that exist?
#2) What would you expect/need to see to be convinced that fossils represent changes over time from one set of features to a different set of features?
My concern is that you appear to have only one explanation for how these fossils might have come about. Issues such as the effects of weathering, diet change, environmental factors, and medicine seem to be completely ignored. I am not even convinced by your dating arguments. And yes I am being honest!
Why didn't you answer the questions?

Facts don't lie or have an agenda. Facts are just facts

This message is a reply to:
 Message 250 by Big_Al35, posted 03-27-2012 4:13 PM Big_Al35 has not replied

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